Chapter 5 Maisy

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Maisy's POV

I sighed as I hit the alarm clock. It was 7 am and I already felt like I was running behind. Usually I was already on my way to Hunter's by now but he took the day off so we could spend some actual time together. Most of the time I would go wherever Hunter went while I took care of Annabelle. That was different from other babysitter's or nanny's. Most of the time the nanny's stayed home and watched the children while the parent's went to work or to parties or what have you. But Hunter was different. He wanted to spend every waking moment he had with his daughter.

I can't believe I had a freaking date with THE Hunter Hayes. Not that I was freaking out or anything, but I was just excited. I liked him from the beginning as he did me, but I was to much of a chicken to admit it. God, those eyes of his. Those blue eyes made me melt into a puddle. As I stood up I grabbed my phone. I smiled at the background picture. It was of Hunter and Annabelle from the first time we had went to the park. She was so tiny then. now she was almost 6 months old. It made me happy to think of how much she has changed Hunter since they came into each others lives. When I first saw Hunter with Annabelle in the mall, she knew she had her work cut out for her, but now he was perfect with her. Sure, he still got iffy when it came to changing a diaper or putting her down for a nap, but other than that he was fine. Ihe jumped when my phone started to ring. It was Hunter.

"Happy Halloween." Hunter said.

What was he doing up so early? Normally Annabelle slept till 8. And it was Halloween, my favorite holiday of all time.

"Happy Halloween." I replied back. 'Why are you up so early?"

He sighed. "Well, I thought I would take Annabelle on a little jog and then head over to pick you up." He explained. "Oh, by the way, do you have her costume?"

I laughed. We were taking Annabelle trick or treating tonight, and I just knew she was going to have a blast. Hunter and I picked out a lady bug costume for her.

"Yep, I actually left it on the kitchen table." I told him. "Oh she's just going to look so cute in it. I knew we made the right decision by picking that one."

Hunter laughed and then said, "We will have to make sure we take a lot of pictures. Mom and Dad asked for every detail and every copy of every picture."

I had met Leo and Lynette before, when Hunter played a show in New Orleans. They were both very sweet and gracious people, who took me in basically as their daughter whenever we were around. I guess they knew Hunter and I both liked each other, but we never admitted it in front of them.

"I will make sure to load up the camera with batteries and a new memory card." I told him.

"Alright, well we will see you in a little bit." Hunter said. "We still a have a lot to do before tonight."

I squealed when he hung up. I know its girlish of me, but I was so excited. I had never felt this way about a guy before. Maybe tonight would go good, and Hunter and I would really become a thing.

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