chapter 4

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Hunter sighed as he tried to calm a screaming Annabelle down. It was well past midnight and she had been crying for the past four and a half hours. She didn't have a fever, she didn't need her diaper changed, and he had tried feeding her but she just wouldn't eat. He needed Maisy, but he knew if he called her she wouldn't answer.

"You know what would be fun?" Hunter asked Annabelle. "A nice nap. How about we go get a bath, and we can both get some sleep. I know you have to be worn out from all of this crying."

Hunter laid Annabelle down on the bed and started trying to take off her onesie. She screamed even louder. Instead of continuing to undress her, he laid down on the bed beside of her and started to cry. He was only 22. He wasn't supposed to be a father yet. But yet here was this beautiful baby girl right in front of him. Annabelle needed him, and he needed both Annabelle and Maisy. After he stopped crying he looked over at Annabelle who was now quiet. She had grabbed hold of Hunter's watch band and was trying to find a way to chew on it.

"I should call her, shouldn't I." Hunter said softly. He leaned over and kissed Annabelle on the head. "You always give me the best advice."

He picked up the cell phone off his dresser and then dialed Maisy's number. He then walked back over to the bed and sat down to watch Annabelle. Maisy picked up but was silent.

"Hey Maisy, I know you told me not to call but I couldn't wait." Hunter said. "I know you're pissed, but I need to talk to you. I need you to know that I am not trying to hurt you. Will you at least meet me somewhere tomorrow so we can talk?"

Hunter smiled when he heard Maisy agree. That was a start and he knew he was going to have to work hard to keep Maisy in his and Annabelle's life. He knew that he wanted Maisy, and he couldn't think of anything more better than having both her and Annabelle at his side for the rest of his life.

 The next morning He, Annabelle and Maisy met at Centennial Park in Nashville. He knew from the moment he saw her that he had to change her mind about loving him. Hunter needed Maisy.

"You wanted to us to talk, so talk." Maisy said as she sat down on a bench. She reached her arms out for Annabelle and Hunter willingly handed her over.

"I know you have been hurt before Maisy, but I want you to know I am with all seriousness, not trying to play games with you." Hunter explained. His eyes looked soft. "You've been so amazing with Annabelle and you basically gave everything up to stay with us."

"I love Annabelle, but why would you want to go into a relationship with me?" Maisy asked. "I am the basically the nanny. Doesn't that seem a little suspicious with a celebrity?"

"I'm a musician not a celebrity." Hunter corrected. "And it doesn't bother me one bit. We are the same age, and we are both single. Why should it matter if we date or not?"

Maisy sighed. "I have to admit something, and its very embarrassing." she said.

Hunter waited for what she was going to tell him. He thought maybe she had slept with a bunch of different guys, or maybe even had been on a nanny cam before.

"I have never had a boyfriend before." Maisy said to him.

Hunter felt relief wash over him. But he still couldn't believe it, a beautiful woman like Maisy should have all the guys flocking to date her.

"I never dated in high school because I was always worried about grades." Maisy said. "I didn't go to prom or homecoming. I just stayed home and studied. I came from a trailer park home, and I wanted to get out of there. Please don't think I am weird."

Hunter smiled.

"I don't think you're weird Maisy." Hunter told her. He rubbed his index finger down the side of her cheek bone. "Everyone has a weird past and that's perfectly fine. I didn't go to my prom or homecoming either. I was to embarrassed because I couldn't dance and I didn't go to any other school functions. I was always playing a gig somewhere anyways."

"I like you, but I don't see why you would want to go out with a girl like me." Maisy said, her head hung down. "I am just not a dateable person."

Hunter didn't like the way she talked down to herself all the time. He wanted to help her feel like she belonged. He wanted to make her feel wanted.

"I promise when we're together you won't feel like you don't belong." Hunter said as she looked over at him. "I hate seeing you sad Maisy. Come on, give it a chance. It'll make Annabelle happy."

Both Hunter and Maisy laughed.

"Alright, one chance." Maisy said with a sigh. "As long as Annabelle is happy, I am happy."  

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