Chapter 7 Trick or Treat

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Maisy laughed at Hunter as he walked out of the bathroom wearing his costume. He had the whole cop uniform going on to a T. It was 5:30, and everyone was ready except for Annabelle. As soon as Annabelle seen Hunter, she started to cry. Poor baby, she didn't even realize who he was. Hunter rushed over to her and picked her up.

"What's wrong pumpkin?" Hunter asked, rubbing the baby's back. "It's ok, daddy's here."

"I don't think she realizes who you are Hunter." Maisy said.

Hunter quickly took the sunglasses and the hat off.  Annabelle soon calmed down after that.

"I should have known she would get scared." Hunter said as he sat down on the bed, Annabelle still in his arms.

"Oh, you couldn't have known." Maisy said. "She just needs to know that its you. Come on, lets get her in her costume. If we don't get get started soon all of the good candy will be gone."

Hunter set Annabelle down in Maisy's lap and said, "I'll be right back, I forgot something in the bathroom."

He ran into the bathroom and then popped open the door holding a fake gun in his hand.

"Oh, now you definitely look more like a cop." Maisy laughed. "But I think you are missing one thing."

"And what might that be?" Hunter asked. He still stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

"A donut." Maisy replied.

Trick or Treating went fairly well for them. They went around their gated neighborhood and collected about half a bucket of candy. They also went to Hunter's parents house, who basically went crazy when they saw Annabelle dressed in her costume. It was about 8:30 when they got back to Maisy's house. Annabelle was asleep in her car seat.

"Well, tonight was a lot of fun." Maisy said as she unbuckled her seat belt.

"It was." Hunter agreed his smile lighting up the dark car. "Ya know, I haven't been trick or treating since I was little. And I have no idea what we are going to do with all this candy."

"Well you know I will take all the Reese cups." Maisy said. "I live for those things."

"Wait, wait, wait." Hunter said with a laugh. "You can't call dibs on all of the Reese cups. I have to have some kind of chocolate at my place."

"Really? Are we really going to argue about chocolate peanut butter cups now?" Maisy asked. Her giggle gave Hunter goosebumps. He'd never felt this way about any other girl.

"Maybe." Hunter said softly with a chuckle.

They leaned closer to each other. Their faces almost touching, and then their lips finally met. That's all it took, one kiss and the sparks flew. It was like fireworks on the fourth of July.

"Wow." Maisy said as she leaned back in her seat.

"Best kiss ever." Hunter said.

They both looked back in the backseat. Annabelle was still sleeping like a rock.

"Do you wanna come inside?" Maisy asked. "We can put Annabelle in the crib."

"Sure." Hunter said.

After laying Annabelle down in the crib, they both sat in the living room. Maisy was leaning against Hunter's chest.

"What do we do now?" Hunter asked, putting an arm around Maisy. "Annabelle is asleep, trick or treating is over."

"Well, we could always raid the candy." Maisy said a smile forming on her face. "I'll even make a deal to split the Reese Cups with you."

"Alright, that sounds like a plan." Hunter said.

The rest of the night they playfully fought over Reese Cups and sat by the fireplace.

*sorry if this chapter is really corny. I meant to make it funny. I guess its not as funny as I hoped. I promise the next chapter will be better*

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