Chapter 20. Cry With You

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Hunter's POV

After being in the hospital overnight with Maisy and Aisy, I had decided to go back home and take a shower. I didn't want to leave Maisy's side, but I knew I was the one who had to go pick up Jackson and Annabelle from my parent's house. I smiled as I pulled into the driveway, both Annabelle and Jackson running down the porch steps and screaming.

"Daddy, Daddy!" They both squealed as they ran towards me.

I hugged them both as I got out of the car and felt a huge burden lift off of my shoulders. Earlier that morning I had gotten a visit from a police officer at the hospital while Maisy was still asleep. They had caught Derek, and had arrested him. He was now out of our lives for good. No more hurting Maisy, and no more trying to keep us apart. Everything in my life felt perfect at the moment.

"Are you guys ready to go meet your baby sister?" I asked as I opened the door to the backseat on the driver's side where Jackson's car seat was at.

"We have a baby sister?" Annabelle asked. Her voice was filled with excitement.

I nodded, then I picked Jackson up and helped him into his car seat, buckling the seatbelt afterwards.

"What's her name?" Jackson asked.

After shutting the door on the driver's side, I went to the backseat of the passenger side and helped Annabelle in. "Aisy Brooklyn Hayes." I responded. I couldn't help but grin. When I told Maisy the name, she had no objection saying that it was perfect and that she wouldn't have been able to think of one better. While making the drive back to the hospital, I stopped by starbucks getting me a Vanilla Latte and the kids their chocolate milk. It was our ritual, just me, Annabelle and Jackson. We always got Starbucks while it was just the three of us.

"Why did baby sister come early, Daddy?" Annabelle asked.

I sighed, trying to focus on the road. It was mid-afternoon and traffic was getting kind of hectic.

"She was just ready to come, sweetpea." I replied. "Sometimes babies don't like to wait the full nine months."

Ok, I was explaining this to both my five and four year-old. No way was I going to have the Where Do Babies Come From talk with them right now. They were still way too young for that. I changed the subject to school, so I wouldn't really have to do anymore explaining about Aisy's premature birth. I could feel the excitement build up in all three of us when we got to the hospital. Both Annabelle and Jackson were hyped up about getting to meet their new baby sister. We talked about who gets to hold her first on the elevator ride up to the Maternity floor. My heart felt like it dropped out of my chest when I saw Doctor Adams standing at Maisy's bed, and Maisy was crying.

"What's going on?" I asked, i was holding both Annabelle and Jackson's hands.

"I don't think we need to discuss this in front of the children." Dr. Adams suggested.

"No, I want to know what's going on." I demanded. "Is something wrong with Aisy?"

Dr. Adams cleared his throat and began to explain once again. "Along with Aisy's low oxygen levels, her heart has been out of rythym. Since her oxygen levels were low, the blood wasn't pumping good enough through her blood stream to her heart."

"The nurse told me her oxygen levels were normal for a preemie." I said. "What happened in the past day?"

"Preemie's oxygen levels tend to fluctuate, Hunter." Dr. Adams explained. We were on a first name basis now. "Unfortunately Aisy's got so low that it kicked her heart out of rythym."

"So what are we going to do?" I asked, feeling the tears start to form. "Surely we're not going to let it stay like that. She can't live with her heart not beating right."

"Of course not." Dr. Adams said with a nod. "We're going to perform a procedure where we give her heart a good but gentle shock to get it back in perfect working rythym."

I looked over at Maisy who had her hand on her forehead. Annabelle and Jackson were already sitting down on a couch, so I walked over to the side of the bed. I grabbed hold of her hand, and squeezed it gently.

"I'll give you guys some privacy so you can talk about it." Dr. Adams said as he was leaving the room.

I could tell Maisy was still tired from the surgery, and the stress of Aisy's health going up and down wasn't helping either.

"I can't deal with this, Hunter." Maisy cried. She brushed a hand through her blonde hair. "If we lose Aisy, I'm not going to be able to be the mother I was before. Derek's to blame for everything, and I am to blame for letting him sink his hooks into me."

"Shhh." I said trying to calm her. I leaned over and kissed the top of her head, and then sat in the chair beside of the bed. I kept holding her hand, tracing circles back and forth hoping that it would sooth her. I wanted to say something reassuring to let her know that I was here for her. That I felt exactly what she felt going through her. Every single emotion was going through me. But I couldn't find the words, so I decided to sing it.

When you try not to look at me, scared that i'll see you hurting

But you're not hiding anything, no

And frankly it's got me worried

Nobody knows you better than I do, I keep my promises I'm fighting for you

You're not alone, i'll listen to your tears give out

you're safe and sound, I swear that I won't let you down

what's hurting you, I...I feel it too

i mean it when I say when you cry, I cry with you

After I finished the song I was in tears as well. I told her, "Aisy's not going anywhere. She's strong, just like her mother. I promise we will be able to bring her home from here and you'll get to rock her in the same rocking chair you rocked Jackson and Annabelle in."

*Ok, so sad chapter. I figured I would post this before work, that way it would get me through tonight. I just wanted to say that I appreciate all of you guys reading and sticking with me through this story :) If you don't already you can follow me on instagram: 2blckcaddilacs and on twitter: 2BlckCaddilacs i will follow back on both accounts

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