Chapter 15 Running Away

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Hunter’s POV

I looked back to see the kids asleep after I pulled into Sam’s driveway. This wasn’t the Thanksgiving I had in mind. I picked up my phone and texted Sam, letting him know we were here. I got out of the car and opened the door on the side that Jackson was on. Sam came out of the house, opening the door on Annabelle’s side. After we got the kids inside, we put them in the bed in the guest room.

“I’m sorry about what happened today.” Sam said as we sat down on the couch in his basement studio. “I had no idea that Maisy was cheating.”

“I blamed her for cheating on me for our whole relationship.” I explained. “But she couldn’t have been cheating, because she was with me and Annabelle every single day.”

“Well, she has been acting weird this past year. Especially since you came back from tour.” Sam said. “And those panic attacks she has been having recently, I think that may have something to do with it as well.”

I sighed as I ran my hand over my face. I felt bad for throwing a fit at the house earlier, and breaking that picture in the middle of a foyer was a childish move. But  I was upset, I didn’t care what anyone else thought.  I thought about the first time that  Maisy and I ever met, that fall day in September at the Cool Springs Galleria. I remember how her hair looked, it was blonde and pulled up into a pony tail. Even though I was pissed and upset, I still missed her like crazy. And I knew once the kids woke up, they would want her.

“I’m gonna have to work out some kind of agreement.” I said lowly. I felt like I was digging a hole that I couldn’t get out of. I sat in the studio with Sam for a couple of hours and then went to check on the kids. When I walked into the room, Annabelle was trying to calm Jackson down.

“He had a nightmare Daddy.” Annabelle explained. “It’s ok Bubba, daddy’s here now.”

I smiled as Annabelle was hugging Jackson who was crying hard. I sat down on the bed and Jackson shot straight towards me. He dug his head into my chest and cried.

“I want mommy.” Jackson cried. He kept mumbling Mommy over and over again. I felt the hot tears roll down my face. I knew I couldn’t keep them away from Maisy any longer. I quickly dug my phone out of my pocket and dialed her number.

“Hey.” I said. Annabelle climbed up into my lap as well. “Listen,  I was way too harsh earlier. We need to get together and talk about this before we decide on anything. Right now I have two crying children who want their Mommy.”

I could hear Maisy start to cry on the other end of the phone.

“I’m sorry Hunter.” Maisy said. “I will explain everything to you, I promise. Just please don’t take the kids away from me.”

“I would never take them away, Maisy.” I told her. “The only reason I took them earlier was because I was pissed. Look, we can get together and talk about everything tomorrow. Just don’t bring Derek, he doesn’t need to be a part of this. The kids do not need to see him.”

Maisy sighed.

“He wants to talk to you, without me.” Maisy told me. “I know you don’t ever want to see him again, but he says that he needs to tell you the reasons why he came back.”

“Fine.” I sort of yelled. I felt like throwing a fit like a five year old in the floor in walmart.

“Hunter, please do not be that way.” Maisy begged. “I am confused enough as it is.”

“How can you be confused when the man you are supposed to be with is holding both your crying children?” I asked her. “Nevermind, don’t answer that. Just meet me at the Starbucks closest to the house tomorrow at ten.”

I hung up on her, and tossed my phone onto the bed.

Annabelle tugged on my necklace.

“Try to go back to sleep baby.” I told her after I kissed her on the head. “We will go see Mommy tomorrow.”

Annabelle put her hand up to my face and wiped away a tear.

“Its ok Daddy.”Annabelle said. “I’ll take care of you and Jackson until Mommy comes back.”

That broke my heart. She was only five and she was acting like she was ten. I hated to see my little girl hurt, but she hurt worse when I was upset.  I laid down with both her and Jackson and we all fell asleep. I knew that I had to figure things out with Maisy, and if that meant talking to Derek first to hear his side of things, I guess I would have to go through with that. There was only one thing I knew for sure, and that was that I knew I was going to get Maisy back.

*Hey guys, sorry for such a short chapter. I just wanted to get something posted. I promise promise promise things are going to get better in the story, you just have to stick with me. :)

A Little Left Behind (A Hunter Hayes fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя