Chapter 17 Nightmare

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Maisy’s POV

*I woke up, sweat pouring down my body gasping for air. His hands were around my neck. I tried to scream but he moved his hand from my neck to my mouth.

“Why are you so intent on leaving me?” Derek asked, tears in his eyes. “I hate to hurt you, but you don’t get it. We belong together Maisy. Can’t you feel it? Didn’t you realize it when I kissed you on Thanksgiving?”

I looked around, I was in mine and Hunter’s bedroom but he wasn’t on the bed. I felt Derek’s hand rest on my stomach. I looked down, oh Lord, I was pregnant.

“How could you even agree to carry his child again?” Derek asked. “This was supposed to be our life together. We were supposed to get married and have a dozen babies.”

He walked over to the dresser and picked up a butcher knife. The silvery blade cast a glow from the lamp on the nightstand. Tears fell from my eyes as he walked slowly back over to me. He sat down beside of me and grabbed hold of my hand.

“I’m sorry Mais, but this just isn’t going to work for me.” Derek said. He kissed my hand. “If we want to start our own family, we can’t bring his child into the world.”

He grabbed the knife and placed it on my swollen belly, then he grabbed a syringe. He stabbed me in the arm with the syringe and then I could feel my whole body going numb. Then right when he was about to cut into me, I screamed*

I could feel arms wrapped around me, and something blotting at my face.  I opened my eyes. It was Hunter.

“Oh Hunter, thank God you’re ok.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Hey, it was just a dream.” Hunter said as he rubbed the towel against the back of my neck.  “You had me scared there for a minute. All that screaming, and I am surprised it didn’t wake the kids up.”

I felt his face, his stubble was back…finally. Even though I loved baby face Hunter, the stubble thing was cute.

“Was I saying anything?” I asked. “During my dream?”

Hunter looked down and then threw the towel at the laundry hamper.

“Hunter?” I said, I knew he was hiding something. “Baby, please tell me. This dream was horrid. I can’t let him get to me anymore.”

Hunter looked up at me and said, “You kept screaming,  Please don’t kill my baby!”

I started sobbing and fell into his embrace once again.  We had been rid of Derek for almost five months, and I was fine until the past couple of nights. Almost every dream was the same: He wanted me, but he wanted to hurt Hunter and the children. In every dream as well, I was pregnant.  I think it’s a sign.  Come to think of it, I have been gaining weight here lately, and when was my last period again???

“Dammit.” I said in a frustrated voice as I threw the covers back and headed towards the bathroom. I slid open a drawer and started looking for the pregnancy test.

Hunter had followed me into the bathroom. He knew exactly what I was looking for.

“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” Hunter asked, leaning against the doorway.

I yelled, “Ahah” when I found the test and quickly pulled it out of the box. I was about to take the test, when I noticed Hunter still standing in the doorway.

“Are you just gonna stand there?” I asked, hoping he might go back and sit down on the bed until I finished peeing.

He gave me his silliest smirk and then crossed his arms.

“Ok then.” I said. And I went on about my business. After I finished, I set the test on the counter.

“How long is it we have to wait again?” Hunter asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Three minutes.” I replied. I felt his pain, I didn’t like waiting either. Those three minutes felt like eternity. I leaned back into his chest and he kissed the top of my head.

“Whatever happens, we’ll just go with it.” Hunter said after as he rubbed my stomach. Oh dear, he was already pretending there was a baby in there. Well, most likely there way. Actually…more than most likely.

I sighed when the three minutes was up, picking up the pregnanc y test. Two lines, no denying it now. Hunter laughed a little and then kissed my cheek.

“Baby number 3, here we go.” Hunter said.

I turned around to face him, and I kissed his lips. I knew from now on he was going to treat me just like he did when I was pregnant with Jackson. He would even start to carry me around when I got too tired. He picked me up bridal style, and carried me back to bed, tucking me in and then laying down beside of me.

“I can’t believe we’re gonna have another baby Hayes.” Hunter said, the huge grin on his face showing how excited he was.

“Speaking of , does that offer for me and the kids to go on tour with you still stand?” I asked.

“Of course it does.” Hunter replied, brushing a strand of hair off of my face.

“Good, because I think I’m going to take you up on that.” I said before falling asleep.

*sorry for another short chapter. I just wanted to get this posted. I may be able to start working on 18 tomorrow. let me know how ya like it

I wanted to dedicated this chapter to @Hayniacgirl99 she is so amazing

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