Chapter 11 Maybe Baby

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Maisy’s POV

Life was going pretty good for us. Hunter’s album was just about to be released and Annabelle was walking all over the place. Not to mention she had finally started to talk a little bit. She was becoming more excited as she grew up into a toddler. Even though Haley had signed over the termination of parental rights forms, she began to bring Ben over to see Hunter, and to see the little girl that was saving his life. Of course we didn’t add the, “this is also your niece” part but that’s ok. Hunter and Ben basically became joined at the hip ; they did everything together. I am glad Hunter is so good with children, because I have a pretty good feeling he and I are expecting one of our own.  I was actually two weeks late, and I had refused to take a test, knowing that it would most likely be positive. We were both twenty-two, we were both adults who were already raising a child together.

We were all sitting in the living room, watching Ben and Annabelle play. He would hand her a stuffed animal, and then she would hug it like it was the best thing in the world.  I jumpped a little as I felt my stomach roll. I had been nausious for the past couple of days, another pregnancy sign.

“You ok?” Hunter asked as he grabbed my hand.

I nodded, but then slowly stood up. I couldn’t keep it down this time. Within a minute I had ran to the bathroom and was on my knees. Hunter had followed me in there, knowing that Haley would watch the kids.  He handed me a wet washcloth as I sat down on the floor.

“You ok?” Hunter asked as he sat down in front of me.

“Yeah.” I said, pressing the cold damp washcloth against my face. The coolness felt good. I waited a minute and then said, “Hunter, I need to tell you something.”

He moved over beside of me and put his arm around my shoulder.

“I think I’m pregnant.” I told him. There I said it, the one big thing to get off my chest. “I haven’t taken a test yet, but it’s pretty hard to miss. I haven’t had a period in a couple of weeks and I’ve been nausious almost all the time.” I started mumbling and talking faster than I could think.

Hunter laughed and then kissed the top of my head.

“Honey, its ok.” Hunter said. “Slow down.”

I let out another sigh.

“Would you want another baby this close to Annabelle?” I asked him.

“Of course I would.” Hunter replied. “Annabelle’s gonna need a brother or a sister to grow up with.”

I smiled, of course he was fine with it. I just didn’t know how he would cope with bringing a baby into this world with Annabelle only just turning one, and him just about to release his second studio album.  I knew he would be fine with it, but it was me who was scared. I watched Haley go through her whole pregnancy with Annabelle, and she acted miserable. Sure, there were thousands of different pregnancy stories some perfect and some flat out bad.

Hunter leaned over and kissed my forehead.

“What are you thinking about?” Hunter asked me.

“I’m scared.” I admitted.

“Why are you scared?” Hunter asked. “You are an amazing mother to Annabelle. And she hasn’t complained so far.”

“I haven’t carried a child inside of me before.” I explained. “What if I do something wrong?”

Hunter smiled.

“You can’t let something like that worry about you.” Hunter said. “If you are pregnant, God made this possible because he knew you had it in you to become a mother. “

I snuggled closer to him. He always said the right things and the right time.

2 Days Later.

After talking to Hunter for a long time in the bathroom, he finally convinced me to take a pregnancy test. We all sat on the bathroom, Maisy was in my lap and Hunter was looking at his watch.  Of course I would leave it up to him to time the test. He put his arm down from looking at his watch and smiled at me. Our five minutes were up.

“You ready?” He asked. I could tell he was excited.

I nodded and then kissed Annabelle on top of the head.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I replied. “Are you ready little princess?”

Annabelle smiled as big as she could and says, “Yeah.” In her little baby voice.

I let Annabelle walk over to Hunter, and then I stood up and grabbed the pregnancy test off the counter.  I looked at the pink plus. It was really happening. I was carrying Hunter’s child inside of me. I turned around and looked at him.

“We’re pregnant.” I said, a smile forming across my face.

*sorry for such a short chapter.  Gonna try to make the next one longer*

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