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Hunter's POV

I had set my alarm for seven am the night before. This wasn't just any ordinary day, I was taking my little girl to her first day of school. Well, she wasn't little anymore she's fourteen and its her first day of high school. I couldn't believe it, Annabelle was starting high school. I slowly opened my eyes and streched, knowing that Maisy wasn't beside of me. Since all of the kids are in school now, she wakes herself up at about six every morning. Jackson was going into the eighth grade and Aisy was going into the fifth grade. My children were growing up so fast before me.

I slowly stood up, rubbed my eyes and headed towards the bathroom for a quick shower. After I showered, I got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen hoping Maisy had the Keurig set for my morning coffee hit. Jackson and Aisy were both sitting at the bar, eating cereal while Maisy was setting up the Keurig. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Where's Annabelle?" I asked, looking around the kitchen for her.

"She's still up in here room, trying to decide what to wear." Maisy explained as she pressed the button on the Keurig to start the coffee. "I thought as smoothly as her pre-teen years went we wouldn't have a problem. Hunter, she's been through every single outfit she has up there, even the ones we bought last week. She claims she has nothing to wear."

I chuckeled a little and then kissed her on the top of her head.

"I'll go take care of her." I said. I looked down at my watch. It was almost seven thirty. Annabelle was still upstairs, and most likely she probably hasn't eaten any breakfast. I quickly walked up the stairs and headed towards Annabelle's room. When I opened her door, clothes were thrown everywhere. Her carpet was covered with jeans, and tank tops and jean jackets.

"Daddy, I can't find anything to wear." She cried. She was sitting in front of her closet in a big pile of clothes. I walked over and sat down in front of her.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked. "A couple of days ago you loved all of the clothes you had."

Annabelle sighed and then wiped a tear away. "Uggh, I don't know. I mean, it just seems like none of them scream I'm a high school student." She explained.

I laughed at her answer, knowing in the back of my mind that she was going to say that. Maisy and I had let her have a huge say in the clothes that she picked out, but not letting her get to drastic.

"You know it's not what's on the outside the counts." I started to tell her but she butted in.

"Yeah...yeah, its what's on the inside. I know Daddy, and I think that's true too. But it's high school. This is the place where I have to start making my own decisions about what I want to do for the rest of my life. Where I will fall in love for the first time and get my heart broken."

I frowned and said, "Well, I hope you aren't basing this on just one outfit. And I suggest you save the boy talk for another time...it's too early to hear the word love and heart break in one sentence."

Annabelle giggeled and pulled out a black sparkly top.

"Ooh, I forgot abut this one." She said, a smile forming on her face. "This would look cute with a white pair of leggings."

I stood up, and then helped her up off the floor so she could get dressed. She may have taken forever to pick out her outfit, but she sure was a quick dresser. We dropped both Aisy and Jackson off first, and then parked the car when we got to the high school. This was it, my baby girl was about to step into the actual real world. I was scared for her, and wished that I could spend the whole day with her, defending her every move.

Both Maisy and I were holding Annabelle's hands as we stood outside the doors.

"I can't do this." Annabelle blurted out. "I'm not ready for the ninth grade. Can I just got back to middle school and be with Jackson?"

"Oh honey, there's nothing to be afraid of." Maisy said, placing both of her arms around our daughter. "You'll make new friends as soon as you walk through those doors."

"What if they don't like me?" Annabelle asked. "What if they don't want me to go here."

Maisy looked over at me, searching for answers just as well as our daughter was.

"This school is about to earn the best student it's ever had." I said. I pushed a strand of Annabelle's hair behind her ear. "They aren't going to regret accepting you here."

Maisy and I took turns hugging Annabelle and then right before she walked through the doors I stopped her.

"Pumpkin." I said, the nickname I have called both her and Aisy since they were little. Annabelle turned around, tears were welling in her eyes.

I pulled out the black velvet box out of my pocket and opened it. It revealed the gold-banded, heart shaped ring with diamonds in the middle.

"Oh, Daddy." Annabelle said as tears fell from her eyes.

"I told you when I first showed you this ring, that we would give it to you when you were ready." I said to her. "I remember as you got older you would ask to see it, to even hold it for just a few minutes. Even though you are thirteen, you are still my little girl."

I let out a sigh, feeling a teardrop fall down my cheek. "And I think you are ready to wear this." I pulled the ring out of the box and put it on her wedding ring finger on her left hand.

"I love you Daddy." Annabelle said as she hugged me tightly.

"I love you too pumpkin, now get in there and make your Momma and I proud." I said squeezing her in my arms.

Maisy and I's hands clasped together as we watched her go through the double doors . Annabelle was not a little girl anymore, she was a teenager.

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