Chapter 14 One Happy Thanksgiving and A World Torn Apart pt. 3

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I was in complete shock. Derek Mason, the man who raped me, was standing in my foyer. 

“Well, don’t act so shocked.” Derek said with a laugh. “I told you I was coming. Look, I figured since all of your family was going to be here, we could tell them about us.”

I was taken aback.

“What in the hell do you mean tell them about us?” I asked. “You raped me. The only reason I let you in my house is because I am afraid you are going to do it again.”

Derek pushed me up against the wall.

“You listen to me you little bitch.” Derek said sternly. “I do not want to hear the word rape come out of your mouth again. I told you I was pretty drunk that night, and when I am drunk I can’t control my emotions like I can now.”

I felt relife lift off of me as he loosened the pressure on me. Derek then leaned in to kiss me. His lips landed on mine, and it was like a bomb went off. I had a flashback of when I was in high school, building sets for drama club, and putting together sheet music for glee club. That’s when I see him, Derek, in a football uniform walking into the theater.  He walks up the steps of the stage and he leans in to kiss me. When the flashback ends, so does our real kiss.  I looked up at him, and could feel the tears falling down my face.

“Why do I not remember you?” I asked.

Derek was smiling. He looked so happy.

“I wanted to wait till the right time to tell you, but you were just so happy with Hunter and the kids.” Derek explained.  “Right before graduation, you were in  an accident. You were in a coma for about three weeks, and when you woke up you couldn’t remember anything from senior year. Baby, you couldn’t even remember me. We met senior year, and you didn’t have any memory whatsoever.”

Tears fell down Derek’s face as well.

“Why didn’t you come back for me?” I asked pushing him in the chest. I was upset and frustrated.

“After you lost your memory, I couldn’t take the pain of having to watch you struggle every single day.” Derek explained.  “Maisy, it broke my heart to know that our love was gone. So, I decided to move to St. Louis and open up a bar and grill. When I came back down for my sister’s birthday last year that’s when I saw you with your friends. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I was drunk and upset. I thought maybe there was a chance you would remember me after seeing me in the bar, but after that I got really drunk and pissed.”

“Maisy.” Hunter said as he walked into the foyer. “I have been calling you for the past ten minutes. Everyone’s ready to eat, and the kids are getting restless.”

Hunter looked at Derek, who had his hand on my arm.

“Who is this?” Hunter asked, nodding to Derek.

Derek held a hand out for Hunter to shake.

“I’m Derek Mason.” Derek said. Hunter didn’t shake his hand so Derek put his arm down.

“What are you doing here Mr. Mason?” Hunter asked, both of his hands were in the pockets of his leather jacket.

I knew I was going to have to tell him the truth. Not that Derek raped me, because I realize he actually didn’t now. I was going to have to tell Hunter that Derek was my high school sweetheart and that  I was still deeply in love with him. It killed me that I was going to break his heart.

“Hunter, Derek and I were high school sweethearts.” I admitted with a sigh. “We met up last year after his sister’s birthday and we kind of hooked up.”

Well, I shouldn’t have told him that we hooked up. I should have just kept my mouth shut and sent Derek packing. The next thing I know I see Hunter crying. He drops down to his knees on the floor and starts sobbing. I knew it, I just knew I was going to break his heart some day. This is why I didn’t want to get together with him in the first place, it was akward that I was just a nanny for his daughter.

*Hunter’s POV*

My heart broke after I heard the words that she told me. My wife of 4 years had actually cheated on me with her high school boyfriend. What if they had been together all this time and she was just lying to me??? Oh God, what if Jackson was his instead of mine??? All these questions raced through my brain as I tried to take everything in. I felt my knees hit the floor, and then I just broke down.

“Was it all a lie?” I asked in between sobs. “Four years…we’ve been married for four years and we have children.”

I felt arms wrap around me, my mom must have heard what was going on. She tried to calm me.

“I was in an accident my senior year and I lost my memory.” Maisy explained. “I didn’t remember Derek. I didn’t remember him until recently.”

“She loved you.” Derek said. “She really did love you, and that’s why I kept myself from coming back.”

“Well, you’re back now!” I yelled trying to stand up. “You think you can just come in and rip my family apart? Rip my world apart? Maisy and I built a life together.”

“And I watched you build that life together.” Derek exclaimed.  “I watched from a distance as she acted like she was your child’s mother. I watched as she fell madly and deeply in love with you, until I couldn’t bare to watch anymore. Hunter, my heart has ached for her ever since her memory has been gone.”

“What about Jackson?” I asked, trying to wipe the tears away. “Is he even mine, or did you lie about that too?”

Maisy’s face turned red.

“Of course he’s your son!” Maisy yelled. “I wouldn’t lie to you about that.”

We stood silent for  a minute and then I spoke up.

“I want you out of my house by the morning.” I demanded. I went over to the wall and picked up a family picture that had all four of us in it and I threw it on the ground. Glass shattered everywhere on the floor.  “And don’t even think about taking the kids, you’ve lost that privelege.”

I ran into the kitchen and both Annabelle and Jackson ran over to me. I pulled them into a tight hug and tried not to cry.

“How about we go see Sam?” I asked them. They both loved staying with Sam. He was basically and uncle to them.  I told them to stay in the kitchen and I went up and packed their bags and mine. As I walked back into the foyer, everyone was still standing in there.

“You two better be gone when I get back.” I said as I pointed to Maisy and Derek. I was pissed off and upset. I didn’t want either of them anywhere near my children and there was no way I was letting Maisy touch them after what just happened. My parents had lead Annabelle and Jackson out the backdoor and helped them into my range rover. I threw the bags into the back and hopped into the driver’s seat. I knew running to Sam’s was only going to be temporary, I was going to have to face the truth. I probably should have let Maisy explain more before I left but I wasn’t in the mood.

My world had been torn apart on Thanksgiving Day by the one person who I trusted with all of my heart. The way I felt, it would take years to make blueprints to build it back up again.

*please tell me what you guys think. I hope the twist didn’t make you mad. I promise things will get better. I just wanted something huge huge huge to happen, and I didn’t want to make it look like Hunter and Maisy’s marriage was perfect. Plus I have started listening to Brett Eldrege a lot so I kinda wanted to make a character for him. But Maisy isn’t going  anywhere anytime soon and neither is Derek.*

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