Chp 3.

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School went pretty well today, I managed to avoid not only Prince but the popular girls as well. I even made a new friend. Samantha. She's in my English class, she told me that she saw what happened the other day between the other girls and I.

She felt bad for me so she wanted to apologise and now we're friends. She's really cool and it's nice to be able to tell someone about Prince. Samantha recommended that I stay away from him too as she mentioned the roster of girls who he had fooled around with within just one month, it was discouraging to hear to say the least.

But it was good to know what I was dealing with, much to my own dismay.

"Hey, would you like to come over to my place this afternoon ?" Sam offered.
"Sure, I'd love to ! I can drive us--just let me get my car" I said, heading towards the direction of where my car was parked.

But as we came closer, out of nowhere, he showed up. I nearly jumped back in fright. He looked just as good as yesterday and as per usual, a smirk was present on his face.

I almost wanted to slap it off.

He guided his attention over to Samantha. "Why hello smashing Samantha, come back for another round ?" He asked, causing me glare at her in shock.

"Oh shut up, Nelson ! let us be !" She spat with annoyance. "You slept with him ?!" I whispered harshly as he watched on with amusement.

"It was only one time, it was an accident..I didn't want to upset you, ok" She pleaded her innocence. "How can you accidentally fuck someone !? I trusted you !" I exclaimed loudly.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to say ! I didn't think it was important !" She added, putting her hands up in defence. "Just leave me alone..the both of you" I muttered, rushing off to my car. I got inside and slammed the car door. I sat there as frustration built up inside of me. What was wrong with everybody in this god damn school ?!

I was about to put the keys into ignition until somebody hopped into the passenger seat.

It was him.

"Didn't I tell you to fuck off ?" I shouted. "Somebody's cracky.." He mumbled.

"Maybe because some guy won't quit stalking me !" I pointed out the obvious.

"Listen, I just want to know you" He stated quietly. I was going to curse him out again until I realised what he said.

"Wait what ?" I responded confusedly. "You heard me, I just want to get to know you better" He repeated. "Oh.." I sunk back in my seat with astonishment.

"So what do you like ?" He questioned. "Music and literature" I answered. "Do you do contribute to either field ?" He pondered.

"Well I write poetry" I admitted proudly. "Oh really.." He chuckled suddenly.

"What, it's a profession !" I defended. "Whatever you say, girlfriend" He joked.
"Oh yeah, and what do you do ?" I played along with his little discussion.

"I'm a musician, I sing and play many instruments" He said somewhat shyly.

"How many ?" I continued.

"A thousand" He mocked.

"Real funny" I replied unamused, I was getting bored with him so I started the car.
"So you're taking me home now ?" He wondered.

"Yep, it's the only way to get you out of my car" I sneered sarcastically, making him go quiet. "What do you write about ?" He persisted, breaking the silence.

"You mean my poetry ? I thought you said it wasn't a real profession.." I mentioned, still a little hurt by his earlier comments.

"Oh, I'm sorry..would you like me to kiss you down there ? y'know..where it counts" He whispered seductively as he leaned over slightly. I found myself blushing, instantly embarrassed by his obvious pass.

"Myself, I write about myself" I answered, trying to change the subject.

"Oh yeah, and is it dirty..?" He murmured. I could've sworn that the car windows were getting fogged up. 'No, wh-y wo-uld you th-ink that ?' I stuttered anxiously.

"Well, you're gorgeous, sexy, attractive..why not ?" He shrugged nonchalantly, still staring at me intently.

"Not everybody has the confidence you do..this is your stop" I mumbled honestly, praying that he would end it there. Thankfully, he did. I looked down at the wheel whilst he got out of the car but watched him as he walked inside his house.

That's when I drove off, wishing that I'd never have to do this again. I felt like a nervous wreck. I couldn't flirt or talk to guys if my life depended on it. I didn't have that bursting confidence that most girls did. Sure, I knew I had high self worth but I never showed it.

I made myself look like a idiot in front of him, perhaps he would leave me alone now since he knows how pathetic I really am.

I couldn't help but dwell over the whole situation.

Prince might be annoying and overly persistent in his attempts to get me to sleep with him but I secretly enjoyed his presence. I haven't had the company of a boy since I was in the second grade and as much as I didn't want to admit it, Prince was smooth and charming. I very much understood his sex appeal, it would certainly help him if he were ever to become famous.

But it also made me wonder who the real human being was behind that charade.

I sighed as I pulled into our driveway. I dragged myself upstairs and was about to hit the hay but not before I ran into my mother.

"Hey sweetie ! how was school ?!" She beamed. "Not so good, I think I'm coming down with something..can I stay home from school tomorrow ?" I muttered, pretending to sound weak.

"Aw alright honey, go lay down..I'll bring up some water for you" She comforted, caressing my cheek. I nodded tiredly and went on my way, closing my door as I sank into my bed.

I couldn't bare to face him tomorrow, at least now I wouldn't have to.
Yay for long chapters !
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