Chp 23.

491 38 13

I hummed to the music that echoed from the radio, I mixed the contents inside of the bowl before tapping the wooden spoon on the edge as I came to the conclusion that I needed more flour.

"God damn it" I cursed to myself. This was harder than I thought. I was currently in the kitchen, imagining that I was cooking up a storm when in fact, I was failing miserably. Prince had decided to take a well deserved day off after working 24/7 for five weeks straight. It was hard to believe that a month had passed.

And yet, he didn't look the least bit exhausted. It was as if he had eternal energy.

So this day off was mainly for me. My mother was coming into town to visit for her birthday and I was beyond excited as she was yet to see the house. I managed to clean the entire house from top to bottom within only two hours and now I was cooking a special something for her birthday.

I wanted her to be proud of my renewed independence.  

I sent Prince out to the grocery store to fetch a few more ingredients whilst I desperately tried to figure out this recipe. I was indeed not a cook nor did I cook in general. Prince and I would normally order take out most nights and if not, we ate at restaurants together and apart.

It was a much better solution than risk blowing up the only place we had.

I furrowed at the recipe. I was about to re-read it for the hundredth time but a particular song came on the radio and it instantly caught my attention as my ears perked up, causing me to jump with joy.

"DANCING QUEEN YES !" I shouted, mentally high-fiving myself. This song was my jam. Being the white girl that I am, I couldn't help but love ABBA. Before I knew it, my body was moving to the beat as I swayed across the kitchen in a groovy like manner. I grabbed my wooden spoon and held it to my mouth as if it were a microphone.

"You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life ! oooh see that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the Dancing Queen !" I sung dramatically to my imaginary audience.

"Friday night and the lights are lowww..looking out for the place to gooo
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing. You come in to look for a king, anybody could be that guyyyy !" I continued to sing somewhat off key as the momentum built up.

"Night is young and the music's highhhhh, with a bit of rock music, everything is fine. You're in the mood for a danceee and when you get the chanceeee"

And as the chorus soon came, I gave it my all, turning the volume up as far as it could go.

"You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeennnn
Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine ! oh yeahhh
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life !
Ooooh see that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the Dancing Queennnnn"

As I was far gone in my own little world, I suddenly heard his voice.

"The latest international pop sensation everybody !" He annouced, clapping his hands for effect. I gave a small bow, smiling sheepishly as I put the spoon back into the bowl. "Thank you kindly, now leave me alone I don't stop for autographs" I joked as he grinned from ear to ear.

"Hello" I greeted, kissing his cheek. "Did you get what I wanted ?" I asked. "Yep, pretty are you gonna tell how you got that amazing voice ?!" He exclaimed.
"Oh shush, I wasn't that off-key" I bluffed. "Alice, dead cows could sing better than you" He remarked.

My mouth widened in shock as I slapped his arm. "Well ex-cuse me, unfortunately not everybody is born talented like you !" I pretended to be offended. "You're talented, just not in the sound realm" He told me, patting my back. "Well thank you" I muttered, rolling my eyes.

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