Chp 10.

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A few weeks had past and things were slowly going back to normal, well not completely normal. Prince was still avoiding me and word seemed to have gotten around the school about our break up. Judgemental glances and careless whispers were the only things that surrounded me whenever I happened to walk by a crowd of people.

I started talking with Samantha again as she was the only person that decided to personally confront me on the whole situation. She told me all the gossip and also some news about Prince that I hadn't know. He wasn't avoiding me, he was busy talking with record companies.

A part of me was proud that he was finally getting his music career somewhere, the other part of me was saddened that I couldn't be there to cheer him on. I missed him dearly, I didn't blame him for breaking up with me.

But I had nowhere to release that anger. Dad seemed to be away from the house more often these days, sometimes he wouldn't even come home of a night.

And whenever I asked mother why, she just shifted her gaze and muttered a indecisive reply that gave no real answer. I felt bad for her, things hadn't been the same since that night. It was dad's fault, not hers but she seemed to be taking it personally.

Every once and awhile, she would ask about Prince and how he was doing even though I had no idea myself. I finally had to come clean and be honest one night when I said I didn't know. Now I feel like I can't even be sad around her without her thinking it's because I'm depressed about Prince.

Which was true to some degree. I love Prince and I've never stopped. But my heart was starting to feel a little heavy as that love had no place to go. I would still cry most nights whenever my mind wandered back to the small amount of memories that we created together.

Sometimes I wondered if he ever loved me. Maybe I really was just another a girl on the roster list. Everything inside of me wished for that not to be true as it was a knife to my self-esteem.

I sighed as I sat in science class. The teacher was speaking about another joined class assignment but I didn't care. My mind was somewhere else as I stared out the window. My ears soon perked up though as I heard the mention of my name.

"Jason Leemen, how would you like to be partnered with Alice Carroll ?" The teacher asked him. "I, thank you, ma'am" He mumbled. I looked over at him to find the cause of his sudden nervousness. Jason was a ladies man at best. I would've thought that he would jump at the chance.

Then I realised who was staring him down from behind as if it was his duty. Prince. I couldn't have prayed harder in that moment. "Ok then, Prince Nelson ! how about you ?" The teacher continued.

I mentally face palmed myself.

"Gladly, miss" He replied, the first time I've heard him speak in weeks. My jaw dropped. What the hell. "But miss ! I don't-I mean-I didn't" I scattered my words in shock. "Yes ?" She questioned, staring at me as if I had three heads.

"I don't have a place to study" was the best excuse I could come up with. "Well that's fine, you and Prince can use the library after hours" She assured before quickly moving onto the next subject. The bell soon rung afterwards but I was stuck to my seat as I couldn't feel my legs.

"Earth to Alice, you there ?" said his voice. I looked up to see him standing right over me. I didn't know why I felt so anxious around him. It wasn't like I didn't trust him or anything. OH WAIT, that was exactly it. I was pretty sure that he still hated me and yet he was acting like he was Mr Cool.

We were back to square one. I was the helpless lamb and he was the lion, eyeing his prey. "You alright ?" He asked, stifling a chuckle. "Yep, let's go" I answered, trying to be nonchalant as possible.

I grabbed the last lot of stuff from my locker whilst he leaned directly next to it, just staring at me. "You could loosen your shoulders a bit y'know, if I didn't known any better I would be thinking that you were in line about to get spanked" He commented, making me close my eyes.

I wanted to collapse my forehead against my locker at this point. But I couldn't. I refused to let him get to me. "Ok let's go to the library" I forced my best smile whilst a smirk tugged on his lips. We thankful managed to make it to the library in silence but as soon as we sat down, he started again.

"So, been seeing any guys lately ?" He asked as if it was casual conversation. "No, Prince.." I sighed, answering him flat out. "Why ? none of them as good as me ?" He grinned. I threw my pencil on the table, giving up.

"Seriously, I don't feel like having this conversation so can you just stop !?" I exclaimed, my voice cracking slightly as tears threatened to leave my eyes. Don't get emotional. Don't let him know. He studied my face carefully as if a wave of concern had hit him.

I avoided his gaze as I looked back down at my paper.

"Ok, I'm sorry" He muttered, and that became the final word to unravel my emotions. "No...if anything, I should be the one apologising" I responded. "Alice, don't have to" I cut him off. I was in tears now and I had to let this out.

"Because I wonder a lot y'know, I don't hate you, if anything I hate my father, he ruined us but sometimes I wonder what I did wrong ! maybe I wasn't reckless enough ! maybe I didn't care about you as much as I should have but I swear that I did and I----"

He kissed me. His body was already half way leaning across the table. I looked up at him with sad eyes, earning a sympathetic smile from him as he caressed my face. Our lips crashed against each others again and suddenly, I felt myself losing all moral consciousness. It seemed that we were both adamant on making up for lost time.

The lust that was burning between us could not be contained and as we laid on top of that table, practically tearing each other's clothes off. I had never wanted anything so much. I had never wanted HIM this much. His kisses were soft and lingering but had me begging for more as they traced my skin.

And as he finally made his way down, he paused and our eyes connected.

"You wanna ?" He asked. I bit my lip hesitantly but nodded. The throbbing between my legs needed to be satisfied. "Don't worry, just let me handle it" He assured me somewhat innocently before pecking my lips. I watched him as he did the honour of taking my underwear off.

I was starting to feel a little nervous now but my nerves quickly disappeared as he slowly inserted himself into me. There was a small sharp pain at first, which I immediately let him know about and then he softly guided me through it as he steadily stroked the inside of me.

Then it started getting pleasurable. I urged him to go faster and he did what he was told. His thrusts were becoming increasingly rapid and my loud moans were a testament to that.

"Fuck you're so tight.." He whispered. "Oh Prince..I'm gonna c-um" I stuttered and as soon as I said that, his thrusts decreased in speed. He was going slower and I was almost filled to the top. This bastard was teasing me.

"Prince..please..I'm begging you" I pleaded. "I want you to say it.." He murmured seductively. "Say what ?!" I huffed, on the verge of going insane. "If anybody asks you...who-do-you..belong to ?" He questioned slyly as he suddenly thrusted harshly between words, causing me to bounce.

"PRINCE !" I screamed, my hips thrusting violently forward as I orgasmed uncontrollably. My head fell back against the table as I laid there breathless. He brought his lips back to mine and shared a passionate kiss. My body was hoping for a small rest but it had no time as I perked up to words that only he could muster.

"Ready for another ride..."
*whistles innocently*
I'll let myself out.

Also that photo above...tsk tsk.

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