Chp 8.

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"So you're telling me that I have to have dinner with your parents to go on a date with you ?"

"It's the only way my mother could get my father to agree...I hope that's ok" I mumbled, looking down at the concrete path. "Sure, why wouldn't it be ?" He asked, snaking his arm around my waist. "Well aren't you nervous ? my father hates you and he hasn't even met you yet !" I exclaimed.

"Oh please, he's only mad because I'm screwing his daughter" He sneered. I glared at him, partly because that wasn't true. At least not yet. His smile turned into a fine line as he noticed my unamusement for the situation.

I stopped walking as he turned to face me.

"Listen, this is going to be fine..I promise I'll be on my best behaviour" He assured me as he tugged a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Promise ?" I pouted, staring into his eyes. "Promise" He repeated before pecking my nose with a kiss. "Okay then it's settled, come over to my place at 5 o'clock ?" I smiled.

"I'll be there" He reassured. "Oh god, please don't" I pleaded, knowing what was coming next. "I'll be there to comfort you, build my world of dreams around you, I'm so glad that I found you" He sung loudly with no shame whatsoever despite earning confused glances from other students around us.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms as I pretended to be unfazed by his public declaration of love.

But as he continued to sing and dance along, lost in his own little world. I couldn't help but break into a smile at the sight of him. I knew that he would be a star someday. He had that charisma, that physical oomph. It was clear as day.

Everybody knew it whether they wanted to admit it or not.

"Ok Michael Jackson, that's enough" I chuckled, wrapping him in my embrace. He stopped singing and stared at me wide eyed, pulling his face into a funny expression. "Michael Jackson ? hell naw ! I'm gonna be the world's very first Prince" He sassed, taking a bow. I laughed, clapping my hands together.

"You'll be the world's very first freak, that's for sure"

We both turned around to see no one other but Justine, the queen bitch herself. I was about to defend Prince myself but he beat me to it. "That's right, and you can bet your nasty ass that nobody will even remember your name ten years from now" He retorted. Justine gasped in shock at his remark. I looked on, trying to hold in my laughter.

"Yeah well..I bet your girlfriend won't be there beside you !" She blurted, her comebacks obviously lacking due to the burn on her self-esteem from Prince. "I believe that's where you're wrong..we're gonna be a famous duo, the freak and the freakette" I grinned, putting my arm around him. His head rested on top of mine, a back up to my statement.

She blinked at us both nervously. Prince squeezed my side, standing strong as we stared at her expectedly, waiting for her answer. But there was none, she just stormed off in a huff. We both cheered and gave each other a high-five.

"We smoked that bitch !" I yelled with victory.

"Mm-hm, but freak and freakette...really ?" He teased, breaking into a smile. "Oh c'mon ! it was the only thing I could come up with !" I complained. "I know, I'm only was cute, so is that how we're gonna address ourselves to your parents ?" He questioned seriously. My mouth widened, baffled by his response.

"I'm kidding ! I'm kidding !" He cackled, making me push him softly.

"Honey, come help set up the table" My mother called out. I exhaled whilst I stared at myself in the mirror. This was it. Judgement day..or night. The only chance for Prince to impress my father, if that was even physically possible. I smoothed out my dress one last time before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

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