Chp 19.

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I once had a dream that I was falling, it used to be a recurring dream that I had as a child along with the one I had about my father. Except now, it was connected. I was falling because of him. I soon found myself being jolted awake because of it.

My eyes struggled to stay open as I adjusted to the lighting. I was in a white room. I was in the hospital. Suddenly, it all came flashing back.

Waking up. Going downstairs. Mom and Dad fighting.

Dad hit me. I fell.

I felt like crying but I was so heavily sedated that I was too tired to even do that. I just wanted to know that I was ok. My head was somewhat throbbing throughout my morphine high and it made me feel strangely at ease.

"Mom ?" I called out weakly, hoping she was near. "Alice ? Oh thank god, you're awake ! my poor baby" She cried, instantly cowering over me. "What happened, mom ?" I croaked.

"Your father..he came to the house..he was so angry, I was hoping he wouldn't wake you and then he hit you..I thou-ght you h-ad died, the b-lood pouring from your was too mu-ch" She stuttered, still hysterical over the whole ordeal.

"Your father was arrested and taken to jail..your head had split open and there was multiple cuts from the glass, they did surgery on you for only suffered a mild concussion..are you feeling ok sweetie ?" She inquired, holding my hand.

"Yeah, it's just a lot to take in..I didn't expect it happen" I whispered, getting upset.
"I know, I'm sorry" She sobbed. "It's ok, mom..I'm sorry too" I patted her back.

"Did you call Prince ?" I asked softly.

"He's been asleep in the waiting room for hours..they refused to let him in as it was only family members allowed at first..he put up quite a fight..that boy loves you, y'know that ?" She sighed knowingly.

"I know.." I muttered, my drowsiness taking over me once again.
I woke up once more, this time I felt a little more alert to my surroundings. I sat up a bit and my head felt like a tonne of heavy bricks. I looked over to my right to find a sleeping Prince curled up in his seat.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight. It had only been a day but I had missed him so.

I wanted to leave him be as he was probably just as exhausted and uncomfortable as I was. But a dry cough I couldn't contain escaped from my mouth and it woke him up.

His eyes shot open immediately and he walked over to my side. "Hello" I smiled sheepishly. "I was so scared.." He said, wrapping his arms around me suddenly.

"I came down as soon as I heard, I swear I wanted to beat the shit out of---"

"I'm fine now, everything's fine..I'm just glad you're here" I uttered, cutting his sentence short. "Can I get you anything ?" He wondered, kissing my forehead. "Yeah, I need water..I can't feel my throat" I chuckled hoarsely.

"You got it, your mother went home by the way..I told her I'd stay and watch you" He mentioned before walking off. I simply nodded and exhaled as I laid back. I now felt restless and wanted nothing more than to write.

My spark of inspiration for poetry came at the most spontaneous of times. Luckily, it seemed that my head injure hadn't damaged me too much. I wanted to laugh to myself but I was still a little far gone within my pain. Soon enough, Prince came back with a cup of water.

"Thank you" I responded, sipping from it slowly. "Feel better now ?" He asked, staring at me intently. "Kinda, my head still hurts a little bit though" I complained. He frowned whilst his eyes shifted to the floor.

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