Chp 20.

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I woke up feeling increasingly warmer than I did the night before. It took me awhile to realise that I was laying in Prince's arms IN my own bed. He must of climbed in earlier. How did I not hear or feel him ? Damn, those prescription drugs must be strong. My head felt slightly dazed but nonetheless, okay.

I went to move as he was probably still asleep but I instantly felt myself being pulled back into his tight embrace. "Good morning" He uttered, brushing the hair away from the side of my face so that he could see me.

"Hello" I whispered with a sharp intake of breath. After all this time, my stomach still swarmed with butterflies every time he greeted me. Especially when I least expected it.

I suppose I was still very much a shy girl despite no longer being a virgin. I knew that he loved me a great deal and for some reason, that still made me nervous at times. He had control of every emotion, feeling and expression that I had.

Sometimes I worried whether or not he would take advantage of that someday. But it's best not to worry unless it actually happens, right ?

"Do have any idea how much my mother would kill me if she saw us in bed right now ?" I wondered out loud. "Nah, she can't do got a big head now" He joked, causing me to frown. "I'm only joking" He chimed, pecking the top of my head gently. It went peacefully silent as we shifted comfortably so that we were sitting up.

Our joined spirits were at ease while we stared out the window, watching the sunrise. Then I felt him begin leave to a trail of kisses up and down the side of my neck and face as he nuzzled closer to me. It was slightly ticklish so I tried to stifle a giggle, but it was no use as it escaped from lips soon right after.

"What's gotten you so lovey dovey all of a sudden ?" I had to ask.

"I can't repay a compliment ?" He simply said. I stared at him, furrowing deeply as I tried to guess what he meant. "You think your little poet self can just write a stunningly beautiful poem about me and I'm not supposed to do or say anything ?" He answered, raising his eyebrows with a grin.

Crap. I nearly forgot that I wrote the damn thing. I always seem to slip and unravel my emotions at night and most times than not, it shows within my poetry. I quickly remembered what happened the day before with our fight.

"Oh.." I mumbled shyly, looking down.

"No don't say "oh", you have to be more confident when displaying your work, you know you have talent...I re-read that poem so many times because I felt like I was staring at a literal painting, some people would kill to have the natural gift you have, you know that ?" He explained whilst a wide smile grew apparent on my face.

"Yes.." I admitted sheepishly. I could never be too proud of my work because I honestly didn't believe in myself all that much. It stems way back into my childhood days. People often mistook me for being so humble and modest, but I wasn't. I just genuinely didn't believe I was that good.

"With so little could describe the world" He responded as I looked up at him. He spoke as if he had some future revelation about something. "So what I'm trying to say is, thank you...never stop writing because it would be terrible if you did" He told me quite seriously. "Ok, Prince" I assured him with a smile.

"Now about yesterday..." He continued, caressing my face. I bit my lip nervously as I searched within his eyes.

"I'm sorry for how I behaved, it wasn't kind of me to do that..especially with all that's happened to you recently, you've been so supportive of me no matter what the circumstance and I realised that I should be doing the same" He sighed.

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