Chp 17.

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It was a bitter-sweet day. I knew I had to smile because otherwise I'd cry. It was my birthday and also my last day with Prince. Who knew when I would be able to see him again. I was very determined that we would spend our finals hours right. I didn't want to miss a single minute.

So therefore I would spend the day with him only. Mom understands, she's been the most quiet about it too. I think she regrets the comments she made a few weeks ago. The one that made me run away. The one that was now becoming a reality.

That he'd leave and we'd break up.

We hadn't really discussed what would happen. Prince said he wanted this day to be strictly about me and nothing else. I hesitantly agreed. I had a few crying fits within the last couple of days. A couple with mom and one with Samantha. She was the most supportive overall.

She said that we'd get through it together and that she'd be there to keep my strength up so that I didn't break while he was gone. I truly wanted to believe her but a side of me knew that that nothing would make this easier. I needed him. He was my relief healer.

Nothing could make me forget his daily absence or erase his existing presence in my life.

I sighed as I held onto the bathroom counter for support. I re-touched my face with makeup once more, a few tears had managed to escape my eyes. I dabbed gently to remove any wetness. "Alice, Prince is here" My mother called out from downstairs.

Okay, Alice. Hold yourself together. Prince still didn't know how much this was really upsetting me and I was going to do everything in my power to make sure that he never did. He didn't need any unwanted stress. He had to be focused with his work, his career, his future.

I took my time as I stepped downstairs in my new heels. I was still learning how to walk properly in these. I don't know how Prince did it. He made it seem like such a care-free endeavour. At the end of the stairwell, there he stood. He looked up at me with loving eyes as he took hold of my hand.

"Happy Birthday" He greeted sweetly as he kissed my cheek. "Thank you" I smiled sheepishly. He wore a nice velvet burgundy suit that complemented his butterscotch skin and I have to admit, he looked scrumptious. "Have fun" My mother smiled from afar. We walked arm in arm as Prince escorted me out the door like a gentlemen.

"So hows it feel being eighteen ?" He asked. "Oh it's a hoot" I joked somewhat half-heartedly. "Wait a second, let me see something" He added. Before I could process what he said, he twirled me around in a circle. "Hm, you look stunning..y'know that ?" He remarked, eyeing me up and down whilst he licked his lips.

"Well thank you, I do try" I chuckled nervously, smoothing out my black dress.

"Aw baby, you ain't gotta be shy ! it's your birthday !" He teased, putting his arm around me, pulling me closer to his side. All I could do was stare at him adoringly. I had to savour every moment. Oh crap, don't get emotional.  "You alright ?" He questioned.

"Yeah, just got mascara in my eye" I excused quickly.

Only seven hours to go.

We ended up parking near a desolate lake and having a small picnic on the dew grass, the breath-taking nature that surrounded us brought a state of tranquillity that almost made my mind forget why we were here.

"So may I ask how you made all this food ?" I pondered, eating another fork full of pasta salad. "Why, afraid that I poisoned you ?" He responded nonchalantly, causing me to stare at him wide eyed. "Just kidding" He snickered. "Andre's mom helped me make most of it" He answered.

"Well how kind of her ! you must give her my thanks" I replied sincerely. "What about me, do I get any thanks ?" He snooped, raising his eyebrows cheekily. "Sure ! you can have the rest of my salad" I nodded, handing it to him. He looked at me unamused. "What ?" I stared, pretending to be oblivious.

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