Chp 22.

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It took awhile to get into the studio itself as I had to waste five minutes talking to the security guard, convincing him that I was in fact Prince's girlfriend. I was already kinda annoyed as I had to walk all the way down to the other end of the studio to reach him in the room that he was recording in.

I slightly opened the door ajar so that I wouldn't disturb him if he was in the middle of recording. I could hear his voice painfully singing for a emotive effect whilst he played a soothing acoustic guitar. I stood there for a second so that I could sneakily listen to him.

"I had everything I needed but now my life is so blue..
You meant the world to me..but now you're gone and I'm so blue.."

"Even though the sun is---" I nearly jumped back in fright as he immediately stopped singing the moment our eyes met. I went for a innocent greeting with a wave of the hand but he just took his headphones off in frustration.

"What are you doing here ?" His voice echoed, causing me to finally step inside of the room.

"I came to talk to you" I answered honestly.

His face twisted in a somewhat disgusted manner as I looked on in confusion. "You really had the nerve to come down here after the way you behaved back home ?" He remarked. "Ex-cuse me ?" I raised my eyebrows. I couldn't believe his words.

If we were to compare, his behaviour was way worse than mine. I reacted emotionally and he just snapped for no reason.

"I know why you were acting so petty" He sneered. "Oh please, you have no---"

"Get in the booth" He interrupted suddenly.

"Pardon ?" I responded. "I said..get in the booth, now." He demanded quietly. I didn't want to make matters worse so I did what I was told and joined him in the booth. It was dim lit and the silence that lingered was making me uncomfortable. I could feel his piercing dark eyes staring me down from the other corner of the room.

He got up from his stool, placing his guitar on the floor before slowly strutting over to me like a lion that's about to pounce on it's prey. I shuffled my feet nervously on the carpet, looking down as I did so. But his hand soon came into contact with my face, caressing it softly as if my skin were made of velvet.

I went to look up and I instantly regretted it as he was standing oh so close to me. Our bodies were just brushing against each other's and I found myself beginning to sweat profusely. I could feel his warm breath as our foreheads were touching.

He soon pressed his lips against mine in a supple but passionate kiss, causing me to melt in his embrace as he wrapped his arms around me. Our kiss deepened within seconds, our tongues fighting for dominance. I felt him bending down, his grip on me still firm as we gradually fell to the floor.

He placed me down gently and I looked at him with a warm gaze as I was successfully stuck in his sexual trance, just like he wanted. I laid back comfortably while he kissed me tenderly on the neck. Then I felt him whisper lowly in my ear.

"Spread your legs"

I stared at him wide eyed. "Prince, we can't" I uttered weakly. "There's nobody here but us, just do it" He urged. Normally I would look around cautiously but I always seemed to lose my lack of morals whenever I was being seduced by him.

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