Chp 27.

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When I woke up this morning, I expected nothing. Little did I know that today was the day that I had been praying for the most. I was awoken by the sound of the bedroom door creaking open slowly and there stood Prince, holding a full tray of steaming breakfast. I sat up astonished as I could not believe the sight in front of me.

"Good morning" He smiled, kissing my cheek before placing the tray down gently. "Good morning, what's this ?" I asked, trying to hide the excitement in my voice.

"Breakfast in bed but more specifically a cheesy omelette with sweet tomatoes, ham and mushrooms ! then some buttered toast on the side and last but not least, freshly squeezed orange juice" He announced proudly. "Wow..." I gasped, practically drooling at the delicious meal that laid before me.

I fucking love omelettes.

"Oh I also went down to the bakery and got your favourite, double chocolate chip cookies" He grinned as my eyes widened with joy. "Oh my god ! I love you !" I exclaimed, pulling him in for a hug. I could feel him chuckling and it was so good to have him back in my arms as his scent was always heavenly divine.

"Thank you for this, I really appreciate it and I hope you don't mind me asking but..what's it all for ?" I wondered curiously.

"Nothing really, I just wanted treat you with something nice...although you better hurry up and dig into that food because we've got a whole day planned ahead of us" He winked. I could no longer contain the wide smile upon my face as he said those words.

We hadn't spent a day together let alone gone on a date in so long.

"Just us ?" I repeated nearly breathless. "Just us" He confirmed with a smile.

Prince then left me alone to eat my breakfast in peace and did I ever so. I made a mental note to myself to give my compliments to the chef later. I quickly hopped in and out of the shower before putting on the nicest dress I owned. I had only worn it once before and that was when Prince and I spent our last day together back in Minnesota.

It was for special occasions only and although I did not know what was in store for me today, I considered this to be a special day for I hadn't felt this happy in months. I stared in the mirror, looking at my clear complexion. I was about to silently debate whether or not to wear make up since it was a date and all.

But Prince crept up behind me, making me jump in fright.

"Ready to go ?" He chuckled at my shaken posture.

"I guess so" I bit my lip, still unsure about my face.
"Hey.." He uttered, causing me to look at him.

"You look beautiful" He complimented softly, pecking my cheek. It was as if he could read my mind. "Thank you" I smiled shyly, shifting my eyes between the floor and him.

"Y'know one of these days I'm gonna get you to believe that" He mentioned with a grin.

"Whatever you say, Prince" I joked lightly, rolling my eyes playfully.

That's when he took my hand and walked out of the house, but this time we were together. As a renewed and strengthened couple.
We first went to the movie theatre for a premiere viewing of a new film that just came out called 'Saturday Night Fever' it was actually really good and very intense. The soundtrack was probably the best thing though.

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