Chp 13.

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"Bye kids, have fun !" My mother called out to the car from her doorstep. "Will do, ma'am !" Prince assured. "And no fooling around !" She added, making me blush. "Well I can't promise that.." Prince muttered, giving me a knowing look as we drove off.

"She knows you took my virginity" I admitted. "Do you tell your mother about all of our sexcapades ?" He furrowed. "No, she just knows...she has special mom powers" I replied seriously.

"Whatever, I know you probably boast about me behind my back to everybody you know" He smirked. "In your dreams, skipper.." I teased. "Cute, keep calling me that and you won't be able to walk...period" He warned.

I stayed quiet after that because a part of me knew that he wasn't joking. Hell, I almost couldn't stand up once after we had sex.

As I stared out the window, I couldn't contain my excitement. Prince was taking me to the studio today and by the way he talked about it, you'd think he had made some godly magic in there.

"Are we there yet ?" I pondered.

"Almost" He answered, pulling into empty parking. "Here we are, Sound 80 studios" He smiled, getting out of the car and rushing to the other side to open my door. "Looks great" I complimented.

"Yeah, the inside isn't too glamorous but it's enough to get some work done now you just go on ahead and I'll meet you in there, I gotta use the restroom" He instructed. "Okay" I nodded, opening the door and walking inside. The studio was somewhat spacious and had instruments laying everywhere. It was enough to make look around in awe.

"Wow..." I whispered. "It's pretty cool, isn't it ?" said a unknown voice. I squealed in fright, not expecting someone to be here. The room wasn't too well lit so I almost didn't see the girl standing to my left by the soundboard. "Oh jeez, I'm sorry ! I didn't mean to scare you !" She exclaimed, obviously holding in her laughter.

No, it's fine..hi ! my name is Alice" I greeted politely. "Jasmyn" She introduced herself, shaking my hand. She began to stare at me strangely and I found it quite intimidating despite the fact that I was way taller than her.

"Oh, you're THAT Alice ! Prince's girlfriend, right ?!" She gasped in realisation.

"That's me" I smiled awkwardly, it was refreshing to be referred to as his girlfriend, it had never been officially stated out loud like that before. "Sorry, you're probably confused..I work here as the producers assistant ! y'know run down to the deli to get lunch or fetch some water, that kind of thing...y'know Prince talks about you all the time between breaks" She gushed.

"Oh, really ?!" I chuckled, secretly hoping to find out some information.

"Yeah ! like how talented you are as a poet ! and oh, how much he--" But her sentence was cut short. "Jasmyn, what are you doing's the weekend" Prince interrupted bossily. "Uh, I know..I just came to get some stuff that I left here yesterday" She explained.

"Well go on then, shoo" He dismissed, his arms crossed.

"Boy trying to take that tone with me..I'll give him something to complain about" She mumbled underneath her breath, collecting her stuff. "Pardon me, princess ?" He spoke up. "Nothing ! I said have a nice day !" She shouted sarcastically as she exited the studio.

"So I'm guessing you two aren't friends ?" I asked. "Nah, it's all playful banter..she's a good girl, she just needs to learn when to shut her trap, that's all" He commented. I raised my eyebrows at his remark but shrugged it off eventually.

I wish he would've let her finish her sentence. I could've sworn she was about to say...

"So what do you think ?" He glanced, changing the subject. "I'm quite impressed ! I must say, I've never been in a studio before so this is kinda cool" I nodded with glee. "Well I've been recording a few songs here for some demos, trying to perfect the right sound that'll get those record companies biting, I've already got a management contract so" He mentioned shyly.

"Well that's wonderful, I'm so proud of you !" I beamed with pride. "Thank you" He answered, shuffling his feet bashfully whilst his hands rested in his pockets. "So are you gonna show me something or ?" I giggled. He seemed to be lost in his own world for a second as he stared down at the floor.

"Sure" He agreed, smiling goofily as he looked up at me. He grabbed the nearest guitar and started to play a catchy but soothing tune. I couldn't help but stamp my foot to the beat as I stood watching him. Then he started to sing.

"You're always on my mind
Day and night, baby, all the time
You mean so much to me
A love like ours just had to be
You're the wind and the rain
You've got a river that takes away my pain
And the sky that's oh-so-blue
You're everything girl, don't you know I need you"

"And that's all I'm giving you so don't ask for no more" He joked. I did a little round of applause for him whilst a wide smile was present on my face. It was good, really good. "I loved it, Prince ! seriously, people are crazy if they don't like this !" I praised.

"Thanks" was his only response. Always the modest man.

"So who's that song about ?" I questioned, batting my eyelids innocently.
"I ain't telling you" He sassed. "And why not ?" I continued, playing around.

"'s personal" He uttered.

"Oooh ! but when I write one poem that's not about myself, you interrogate me like you're the god damn---" He cut me off with a kiss, which was enough to shut me up for good.
When I arrived home that night, I talked my mothers ear off over dinner about the studio and how amazing Prince sounded. She silently listened as always whilst she quietly ate.

"I'm telling ya, mom..he's going to be a star ! I just know it !" I boasted freely.

"That sounds nice, really listen to me when I say this, because I don't want you to take it the wrong way...but what are you doing to do when it finally takes off ?" She spoke as if it was rhetorical.

"Well I'll be there to cheer him on, mom ! that's what girlfriends do" I responded, shaking my head as I felt offended by her suggestive tone. "Honey, the boy will be busy...he'll be travelling everywhere, he's not going to have a lot of free time" She pointed out rather boldly.

"What are you trying to say, mom ?" I asked, my face screwing up with hurt. "I'm saying..don't be upset if the relationship doesn't work out" She sighed. "Why are you doubting us ?! I love him !" I protested, standing up from my seat in a huff.

"But does he love you ?" She stated frankly.

Tears began to form in my eyes. "Hey, just because you and dads relationship went to doesn't mean ours will too !" I argued before running to my bedroom.

I slammed the door shut and collapsed onto my bed with a puddle of tears.

I can't take this anymore.
Uhhhh....soooo, can I get anybody a beverage ? haha....

Private Joy.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon