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During Spanish
Finns POV

I was looking at board not understanding what Mr. Shue was explaining. I tried to peek at what Rachel was writing it looked liked a song and a very emotional one, the title was 'What hurts the most' I tried to read further but she noticed I was looking so she moved it further away.
I saw a tear escape her eye, I wanted to ask her if she was okay but, I decided no to. I really didn't want her to think I was envading her privacy, so I took my journal out and wrote everything that was in the board, I didn't understand anything I wrote down but if there was a test which I am guessing there will be I can go ask Rachel to help me she looks like the kind of girl who gets good grades in everything.
Just as I finished writing everything down I heard Mr. Shue say
"Listo, voy hacer una evaluacion de to do lo que hemos aprendido hoy. Classe terminada." I didn't understand anything so I poked Rachel and she looked like she had been crying for hours
I just decided to ask her "Do you know what he said...."
She nodded and said "He said that he is going to do a test about what we learned today."
'I knew it!!' I thought "Hey I was wondering if u could tutor me for the test because I didnt understand anything we learnt today." She just looked at me "What makes u think I will help u"she looked at me "Well u look like a nice person who would help someone in need."I replied, she just stared deeply into my eyes and I felt a connection I've never felt before, I think she felt it too because she quickly looked away and said "Sure when do u want to start." I started to think about some spare time e and noticed my schedule was full today so I started going through tomorrow's schedule and I only had I few spaces left so I simply said "Tomorrow at 5:00 after school??"
"Sure," and with that she fled quickly and gracefully while I just stood there thinking about her and I have no idea why?


Hope you guys liked it


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