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Rachel Pov

I am so grateful to Finn,Kurt,Burt and Carole. I don't know how I can ever repay them. I am starting to feel like...maybe...just maybe...someone could love me. Is that weird?
I undressed myself and hopped into the shower after I took the wet sheets from my bed and let my bed dry.My YouTube playlist was on so I sang all the songs that came on. When I got out one of my favorites came on and i started singing it.

I started drying my hair and i did a waterfall braid. I put concealer on my bruises that were slowly healing and started doing my make up. I put foundation, i did the smokey eye look and light lip gloss. Carole and Kurt bought me new make up, clothes, shoes and accessories. I insited they didnt but Kurt and Carole are very, VERY stubborn people.
I wore a white skirt and a short spagetti strips blue shirt with white high heels and a necklace Finn bought me that said my name in cursive. I checked myself in the mirror and headed downstairs. It was 7:15 am so we had 45 minutes to finish getting ready,eat and leave.
When i arrived in the kitchen, i saw that Finn,Kurt and Carole were all there.
"Burt just left but, he wanted me to tell you that u have a beautiful voice," she told me and I felt my cheeks go red.
"Thank u.." was all i could say.
Finn smiled at me. He was wearing dark blue jeans with a button up blue shirt that had stripes. He was also wearing his letterman jacket. Kurt also changed. He was wearing a black and white button up shirt, with black jeans and boots. He looked very fashionable.
"Okay... so here u go breakfast is served." Carole said.
I looked at my plate. Eggs and bacon. I was vegan but i wasn't going to say anything. Acrually i didnt really care.. i was forced and also controlled to what i could eat.
"Is everything okay?" Kurt asked me worriedly and i realised i had sapced off.
"Yeah it is just... I was forced to become vegan and Leroy and Hiram controlled what I ate. I could only eat once per day. Usually it was a granola bar. If i ate anything else they would shove me in a closet and leave me there for two days only giving me water.." my voice started breaking. "Once when i was little... I was so hungry because they had made me clean the whole house and their closet.... which is bigger than my room here...I tried to eat a cookie... and i got caught... they shoved me in the closet for 4 days...the only time i was allowed out was when i had to fetch them their beers and ciggarates...on one of those nights they got so drunk they were smoking they summoned me and to put out the ciggarates....they put them against my skin...i had a 2 degree burn. I got a scar at the back of my left shoulder..." when i finishe telling them, they were all in tears. Carole was sobbing,Kurt was crying silently and Finn had tears in his eyes with his fists clenched and whole body stiff. " You dont have to go through that ever again. I promise u." Carole told me and I smiled. "Thank you. I dont doubt it. Thanks to u all i feel loved.." i told them truthfully.
"And that is how u should feel." All three of them said in unusion. I smiled and we all hugged.

Do u like??

Finchel coming soon!😏😉

Drama in the next chapter.


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