Meeting Carole&Burt.

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I am sorry for the spelling mistakes. In this episode u will see alot of Kurtchel friendship. A bit of Finchel but don't worry about about that there will be Finchel ❤ up soon.

Rach's Pov

When Finn parked his car infront of a house I was immediately scared. What would they think of me? Just some troubled girl. I dont have a problem with Kurt, but his father and Finn's mum... i did, i didn't want to be an distraction. "Come on Rae dont be nervous. They will love you" he said as if we were dsting but i didn't care. He was letting me, out of all people  live with him. When we got to the front door just before he ooened the door i said "Thank u Finn. I appreciate it. I have been so close to ending it all but i guess now I understand why God didnt let my suicidal thoughts get the best of me. U r trully amazing. Any girl would be lucky to have u." He looked at me and pulled me into a hug. I sneakily inhaled his perfume. Wait.... why did i just do that?? Snap out of it Rachel. He is letting you live with him dont mess it up! We pulled away I blushed and he opened the door.
Then i saw Kurt run up to me "Rachie!!!What r u doing here?? R u and Finn dating??  Yas Finchel is on!!!" He squealed "KURT!! Rae is here because she is going to live with us for as long as she wants, and we are not dating. I just got out of a messed up relationship. What the hell is Finchel?!" Finn said calmly. I figured Finchel meany Finn+Rachel so i asked "Kurt does 'Finchel' mean Finn+Rachel?" He nodded happily and i looked at Finn he looked extremely happy.
Then i saw a beautiful woman with amber eyes. She looked young. She gave me a smile "Hello Rachel, I'm Carole. Finn's mum. It is so nice to meet you. I'm sorry this has happened to you. You are welcome to stay with us for as long as u want." I smiled and said "Thank u so much for letting me stay here. If I'm a distraction to any of u.  Tell me and i will leave." She shook her head and "I will NOT let ANYONE hurt u AGAIN, and U ARE NOT a distraction... Come on lets go get ur room sorted." She said warmly.
Then I noticed Finn had both suitcases in both hands. Guess he went to get them. Kurt stared at me in disbelief "Is that only what u packed?" I shook my head  "Nope, it is everything I own." All 3 head looked at me shocked and wide mouthed "In one bag I have clothes and shoes and in the other I have: make up,diaries,notebooks,music things,school stuff and and a laptop. When y have abusive dad's u don't get much. Not even food."
Kurt and Carole were crying😢, Finn looked pale🤐. I just shrugged and heard Kurt say "U r never goung through that again!" All heads nodded. I just thanked them that i got to my new bedroom and saw pink walls with a 4 poster king bed. I started crying. "How did u do this in less than a day?" Carole smiled at me "We have 2 guest rooms one with pink walls the other with dark blue ones u can choose. I thought u woild like this one." She said "I dont like it. I love it! My room at the old house has white walls with paint pealing of them I slept in a queen bed. Thank you" i said in between sobs.

45 minutes later-

Finn's Pov

I am so glad Rachel is safe now. I was going to give her a tour of the house when i heard my mum yell out my name. I am so glad my mum ❤ Rachel. My mum absolutely hated Quinn. When i reached the master bedroom I sat down on the chair close to the bed.

(A/N convo gonna happen C=Carole F=Finn)

F= Hi mum do u need anything??
C= Baby I am so proud of u! For all we know u saved Rachels life.
F=Thank you Mama.
C=What happend with Quinn?
F=Mum Quinn is pregnant. She told me a week ago but, she lied to me and told me it was mine. Today when Rachel walked in she threw a slushie at her.Rachel snapped they started fighting then Quinn called her a whore and Rae said 'well atleast im nit pregnant with my boyfriends 'best friend' and ruinibg his life by lying to him.' Then it all made sence. Puck had been distant and Quinn was pregnant. Then i yelled at Quinn and broke up with her.
C= O Finn.
That is when i heard it. Piano.... Rachels voice (Rachel is singing the song at the top)
C=She has a beautiful voice. I can tell u like her. Dont screw it up. She is fragile.

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