Before the concert

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It's the night of the concert and to say that Finn is excited is an understatement. Ever since his birthday it seems like he's on cloud 9 and nothing could ever bring his mood down.  Due to this, looks like everyone at school knows that we will go to this concert...and honestly due to the attention we've been getting it's really overwhelming, I get envious looks from girls in the hallways but, I guess everything is okay because I always have Finn by my side and that is something I'll always cherish.

I'm currently getting ready and since it's a bit chilly I decide on dark skinny jeans with a white off shoulder crop and a jumper,  paired up with some simple white shoes. I leave my hair be and keep it down with just applying a bit of gloss on my lips.

As I'm closing the door I feel someone behind me and suddenly I see two hands on either side of me , I smile knowing exactly who it is and as I turn around  my suspicions are confirmed. Finn, is standing infront of me looking down with a smirk on his face, he is sporting some washed dark jeans and a blue shirt that has the bands name across.

"Ready to go?" He says, excitement evident in his tone.
"Yes, I am!" I reply trying to match his enthusiasm but failing miserably since I have no clue about any songs that this band has produced. He clearly notices this.
"You'll love it Rach, I promise!" He says determined.

I just smile at him and we head off, knowing that this will be a night to remember.


As we get into the car and I start driving I can't help but smile at the girl at my side, she is truly magnificent,  she has come so far in little time and it truly amazes me how strong she is. I now she is only coming to this concert because of me and my love for Radiohead and I fall in love more than before because she is putting herself out there just for me.

I hear her start humming "I'll be," her voice as mesmerizing as always and I can't help start singing:

"I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life" I sing meaningfully, making eye contact with her briefly.

As I drive I can just feel her stare at me, smiling, God....that smiles makes me weak, then I hear it...the voice that made me fall in love with her, once so broken but now full of love.

"And rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
You're my survival, you're my living proof
My love is alive and not dead," she sings and for a moment we make eye contact...but deeper than before, it's like I could stare into her soul and her in mine, it was out of this world, then we laughed because of the truth the song had, I would always be her shoulder to cry on, I would always be her number one fan and I'd try my best to be with her until my death just as she would do to me...we both saved each other, I saved her from her past and she saved me from a bad relationship.

She knows that I'm thinking about it because she leans in, careful not to distract me fron the road and kisses me gently on the cheek.

I can't help but grin...if this is a dream,don't ever wake me up.


Hey guys,

Long time no see... sorry for my absence but, I had to deal with alot of this and specially the death of my mum...

I'm a bit out of shape with writing because I haven't written anything since like the last time I updated so stay with me while I recover myself.

Thanks for everything y'all.

Love Dayaa🌟

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