Listening To Her Voice

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Rachel's POV

After Spanish I had free time so I decided to go to the auditorium and sing a song I wrote that reflects so much about me. About how I was put up for adoption,raped by my ex, abused by my gay dads and how the head cheerleader makes my life hell. Also about how most days I wish I could die because I know no one cares about me so no one would care.
I sat down at the piano and started singing lonely.

Finns POV (Around the time that Rachel started singing)

I was walking around the hallways after Spanish since I have free time when I heard an angels voice coming out of the auditorium I decided to head over there since I don't know where to go to and when I arrived I recognised the angels voice it was....

I decided to sit at the back and listen to the rest it was a good song. I have never heard it but it is good.

I see her facial expressions and she looks like she is connected with the song like she sings it to take away some type of pain she has.

When she finishes I clap loudly. She looks a bit startled, a bit angry and shy.

"You know you sing very good you should join. Mr. Shues Glee Club. I know for sure that a voice like that can't be wasted." I say to her
"Well what do you care if it gets wasted and, I don't plan of joining any type of club and anyway, why don't you join glee." She says angrily.
"Well I am joining glee when I have practised enough." I say to her lying because I don't plan on ruining my reputation on any club.
"Well I know for a fact that this is glee clubs first hour so let's go over there right now and audition. Or were you just lying that you will join the club because for your information I know when people lie."she tells me looking straight into my eyes
I start to get sweaty and nervous. Damn why dont I think before I speak!!! I think. After looking back at her I decide to talk.
"Fine, let's go and audition." I say a bit annoyed at myself.

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