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Quinn POV

Ugh I HATE Puck!!! He ruined my life,chance to be Prom Queen,my body!!! I HATE HIM!!!!!

I've been trying to avoid Finn. I've been giving him silent treatments,no eye contact and if i see him I pretend he's not there. Truth is I'm only with him for his popularity nothing else as soon as i become more popular than him i will dump him, at the start i trully loved him but things change, people change and that was primary this is high school and high school here in Lima is all about labels you want to be popular you do anything to get it and you hurt anyone who is in your way.

Oh Crap!! Finn is walking towards me. 

Finn POV

As soon as Quinn told me i felt suspicious i mean i may be dumb but not enough to believe that sperm swims faster in hot water. I decided to go with it and pretend i was shocked but in my heart i felt heart broken because i knew she had done the 'dirty' with another person.  I didn't know who but i was going to find out and when i found him he'd wish he'd never messed with me. 

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