Dark Enough

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Finn's Pov

When I arrived home. I saw Rachel still sleeping beside me...she looked peaceful and I didn't want to wake her so I carefully unbuckled her and put one of her arms around my neck making sure I didn't wake her. I then lifted her up and took her inside.
"Mum! Are you here?" I said loudly trying not to yell.
"Finn? What are you doing here ? You should be at school." My mum told me, waiting for my responce. She clearly hadn't seen Rachel asleep in my arms.
"It's Rachel." I told her nodding towards my arms.
"Oh honey..what happened?" She asked me givibg me a worried look.
"We got to school and everyone just stared at Rae, then acreep called Jacob rushed to her and started yelling and interrogating her infront of everyone saying she was a slut who seeked attention by cutting herself. She was tiped over the edge,screamed and ran. Santana and I started yelling at while Kurt gave his Karma bitch glare at everyone. I ran trying to find her,but I couldn't my phone started ringing and it was Rachel. She was crying...she was a mess she barely got the words blade out and told me to cone quick to the girls bathroom;so I ran but when I got there she had 2 cuts on each thigh. She told me she was sorry and gave me a note....the note was horrible....i felt like crying so carried her to the car and brought her home" I told my mum explaining everything.
"OH MY GOD!!! WHO WOULD DO THIS!!! RACH IS A SWEETHEART SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS DEEP SHIT!!" My mum blew up and then she continued "I AM GOING TO YOUR SCHOOL TOMORROW AND TALKING WITH YOUR DAMN PRINCIPAL! HOW COULD PEOPLE BE SO SICK!!" I was shocked by her outburst but hey I wasn't complaining. I also wanted this to stop.
I told my mum I was going upstairs and doing my assignment online while she was calming down. Before I reached my room I went into Rachel's and layed her down on her bed. I took her shoes off and tucked her in. When I was about to leave I heard her mumble 'I love you' i knew she said something else but I couldn't figure it out.

(3 hrs later)

I had finally done all my assignments and was about to take a shower when I heard someone sing. I knew it was Rae. When did she wake up? I payed attention to the song. The song was sad. I knew she had just finished writing it because I had heard all of her songs and never heard this one.

(The song is at the top😄)

I went into the bathroom and undressed myself. I waited until the water was steaming. I don't know why but when i shower I like to think. When the water was hot enough I went under it and started thinking. The only thing that came to mind, just like every other shower was Rachel. How would her lips taste? How would it feel when our fingers touched? Did she feel the same way? I knew it was stupid thinking about this but I couldn't help it....

I loved her and nothing could break that.

I got dressed and decided to go talk to Rachel. I went to her room and knocked.
"Rae it is Finn." I introduced myself. Idiot.
"Come in," she said loud enough for me to hear.
"Rach can we talk about what happened today at school?" I asked her not wanting her to start panicking.
"Sure.."she told me nervously.
"Rae when Jacob finished talking....what did you feel? Did u feel broken?"i asked her choosing my words carefully.
"I felt as if my secret and I were exposed. Of course Quinn turned it around and lied but i felt betrayed.."she told me
"Did you just say Quinn?" I asked her shocked.
"Yes...when I was running and heaeed for the bathroom Quinn looked at me evily and smirked." I told him
Rachel looked me in the eyes intently...almost as she was looking through my soul...i know it sounds pansy but it is how it feels... I pulled her in without breaking the contact.

I was leaning in...
She was leaning in....
3,2,1 We were both leaning in -

"RACHEL ARE U OKAY!!"yelled Kurt
"Fuck"I mumbled.
"Yes I'm fine..."she said a bit annoyed....i wonder why?
"Okay BYE!!!" Kurt said a sing song voice.
I glanced at my watch it read 4:15pm... I had 30 minutes 'till football....
"Rae i have to go.." i told her not really wanting to
"It is okay Quarterback... just try win us the Championship game will ya?"she said adorably.
"U got it! Hey Rach i was wondering if u would want to come to the Championship game and support the team and I then be my date to the party afterwards.. I mean it could be just as friends..."i told her stumbling over my words.
"Yes" she replied happily.
"Okay well....see ya" i said making my way to the door
"Bye Finny"she giggled and it warmed my heart...



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