Dinner and Stories

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Rach's Pov

When we were in the car I felt...weird... yep that's the word. Weird because I feel like I might be part of a family. Is that a good thing? I don't know... but i hope so. Carole is like the mother I never had and Burt is like the father I wished Leroy and Hiram were to me. When we arrived at the restaurant I was amazed. It was so fancy and beautiful. I live in Lima and never being here. Yet again, I have never gone outside my house other than when i go to school. Only when I dated Jesse and after that my d-Leroy and Hiram forbid me from going outside. When I got out of the car Finn gave me his hand and and gave me a lop side grin. I smiled "You dont have to be a gentleman.." I said to him "You dont have to say that. You deserve being treated like this." What he said made my heart flutter. I think I may be in love with Finn. I blushed and headed inside with him.
When all of us got inside Carole told the waitress "We have a reservation under the name Hudson-Hummel." The waitress looked at us and said "Follow me" I saw her give Finn a wink and became...jelous?? I just wanted to slap the wink of the her face I looked at Finn and noticed he was uncomfortable. We got to the table and I settled down in the middle of Carole and Kurt and infront of Finn. He looked at me and smiled. "So Rachel tell us about youself. What do u like to do? Any allergies? How did everything start? Only answear what u feel comfortable telling us." Said Burt.
"No it's okay. I like singing,dance and act. I want to be in Broadway some day. My idol is Barbra Streisant and Fanny Brice. I was Jewish but I can change I was gorced to be Jewish anyway. I want to go to NYADA in New York. I was vegan until I was ten. I dont have any allergies." I told them now the harder stuff. How it all began. "I was 10 when it all began. I had come home from school and noticed Leroy and Hiram were home. I was surprised because they weren't supposed to be back from their business trip for another 4 days. I asked them what was wrong and noticed they had been drinking they said they had lost their jobs. I said it was okay I would stop all my extra curricular activities until they got a new job and they said they didn't want a new job they wanted their jobs back. So I asked them what happened and they said the had lied to their boss and took some money out of what the were supposed to give a client. I told them truthfully that it was their fault and they got angry and..." by this time I was crying. Carole was okay to stop. I shook my head and continued "Leroy slapped me twice. He smiled and then punched me in the stomach. Hiram started pulling my hair and calling me worthless,useless, saying i was a waste of space. When Lery stopped punching me Hiram started kicking me. After my beating they locked me in my room for 4 days only giving me water. Then it just started everyday. A couple of moths ago I was raped by my ex-boyfriend Jesse. Then I started cutting once per day then 2 and then every hour I would cut myself 4 times. When Kurt and Santana found me I was in the girls toilets cutting myself. They stopped me. I am currently clean. I will try my absolute best to stop." I said. God it felt so good to get everything out of my chest. When i looked up Kurt and Carole wete crying, Burt had tears in his eyes. Finn was unreadable. He looked pale, angry,sad all mixed together. Then all of them just looked at me and Kurt asked in between sobs "How did u deal with all of that plus the bullying from Quinn and everyone at school??" "I'm not gonna lie sometimes I wanted to kill myself. Leave all the pain behind but, i thought to myself afterwards. Would it do any good? I mean i would be nothing but a fading memory. Atleast if Im alive and make it big I would show all of my bullies that they made me stronger. It hurts but, I will get through this. I still get niggtmares about everything though....every night. So I apoligise in advance if i wake up screaming and crying." I said. "I am trully amazed about how strong u are" said Finn I just shrugged the waitress came in and asked what we wanted while staring at Finn. He looked away and I got my phone out and texted him





Rachel smiled at Finn and winked at him flirtaciously. Finn looked at her and smiled. Rachel grabbed his hand and started rubbing it. The waitress noticed because after she got everyones order she stompped off. Rachel smiled stopped rubbing Finn's hand and said with a smile "Mission Accomplished" everyone just laughed. From there the dinner went on with out any drama.




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