[Chapter Three]

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We join others into the dance. "Prince Hoshang, do you have any siblings?" I ask. He puts my hand into his and gently places his other hand on my lower back. He doesn't reply and I wonder if I've hit a nerve. But when he lifts his head, I can see his eyes have brightened.

Hoshang has long hair in a tail that sweeps to the side of his shoulder. He wears a traditional suit and tie.

"Four sisters and a brother," he finally replies. His steps are carefully and soft. I follow. "And you, Princess?"

I shrug. "Just me. Although I've always wanted one. How old are they? Your siblings?"

"11, 10, 7, 3, and the youngest boy is 2. It's a large age gap only because my father remarried after me. But my siblings are quite interesting and very different. You'll love them." A smile on his face appears. A real one. But goes away as fast as it had appeared.

"Tell me about them." His face lightens.

"Well, my eleven year old sister, Kyra, has been looking for a prince for as long as I can remember. She says that her 'prince charming' will rescue her one day, and that's how she'll know." He shakes his head before continuing. "Ess is only ten, and she smiles so much I wonder if I'll smile as much as her in my lifetime. Afreen loves sports. Football, soccer, baseball, you name it and her eyes sparkle like the stars." He chuckles as I smile. "Gelsi is an adorable girl, but don't judge her by that. Put her together with Darius and you get thing one and thing two." I laugh. He blushes.

"Well you sound like you have quite the family." His bewildered face as he's realized he's been talking through the whole song makes me want to know more. He clears his throat. The song comes to an end. We bow to each other and say our farewells.

Another song starts up and I find myself in a dukes arm. We dance to the beat of the song. "Hello Princess," he says. I can feel his breath muggy and see his sly grin plastered with stained teeth. I smile.

"Hello Duke Ferdinand." We discuss political matters, a simple conversation. I can feels his eyes reach seconds too long where they're not invited. I gulp and calm myself. When it's time to switch partners, his touch lingers too long. I can feel my heartbeat pulsing faster.

"Princess, may I have this dance," another suitor says. He has brown eyes. His suit is as dark as midnight, and his tie is loosened.

"Gladly," I reply. I take his extended hand, happy to be out of Duke Ferdinand's hold. He sweeps me across the floor. His hand rests on my waist and the other holds my hand gently but firm. "Thank you," I whisper because of what he did.

"Prince Xavier of Spain. At your service princess," he grins. Rows of white teeth appear. He leans in close. I can see his long lashes poking out from the side of my vision. His mouth is close to my ear. I gulp. "But of course, it comes with a cost," he whispers. He leans back.

I raise my eyebrows at him. "And what might that be?" I ask. He grins again.

"A date," he says. Then it's time to switch partners again. He winks as he let's go. Hmm, a date.

I switch partners for awhile. I catch glimpses of my parents dancing. They seem so captivated by each other. I want to find something like that. I know many of these men are here for something else. Shaking into reality I encounter many princes. None of them catch my attention, At least until now.

"Princess! Hi, Prince Cepos, Egypt." He says, his accent thick. He pecks me on both cheeks. I laugh, surprised from the action.

"Well hello there!" I smile. He smiles too, and reveals two dimples on both sides of his cheeks. When we dance there's a bounce to his steps that make me giggle.

Cepos has wavy dirty blond hair that sits on his head. His skin is tan and he stands out with his white tux with a pink bow.

When he catches me staring at his clothes, he says, "My mother." Then he sighs and looks at me. "You like it?" He asks. I smile at his worried face.

"Now now, there's no need to worry, It's lovely." He looks so cute and it's something different.

"Really!?" He beams. I nod and laugh at his enthusiasm. He spins me in a full three-sixty and catches me in his tight hold. He chuckles in my bewilderment. I find myself staring at his dimples. When the song ends, he takes my right hand in his and places a soft kiss on it. His lips are soft and warm. "See again, Princess?"

I nod, "Why not?" I say. He chuckles and dips his head before leaving. Everyone leaves the dance floor. I make my way to the middle. There, my father stands in wait for me. He takes me into his hold. "Hey dad."

"Hello sweetheart." We dance slowly to the music and talk quietly only so the other can hear. "Have you decided? It's your choice." I smile.

"I think so," I reply hesitantly. Then he smiles.

"No, you know so." I nod. Yes I do. "Ready?"

"Ready." The song ends and we hear the audience clap. We make our way to our seats. My dad raises his hand for scilence. The quiet down. He looks at me, his eyes encouraging.

I stand. This is the time they've been waiting for. All eyes are on me once again. "Thank you for being here with me today. I hope you've found your stay welcoming. But you all know why I'm here today, most of you are here for the same reason. I'm searching for a leader, a king, and a husband." I continue.

"I've met so many men today, handsome too." I wink. Laughter and giggles sound through the room. I relax. "I've chosen six princes from six countries." I look around the room. Here I go.

"Prince Xavier of Spain, Prince Hoshang of Persia, Prince Aalaadith of India, Prince Cepos of Egypt, Prince Jae-Hwa of West Korea, and Prince In-Su of East Korea. Please step forward."

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