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'Shh... It's just a dream...'
'You were screaming...'
I shook his shoulder and he rolled his head and opened his eyes, looking at me.
'Just a dream.' he mumbled. I shook my head.
'That wasn't me screaming.'
Simon sat up, finally alert, his eyes wide.
'It wasn't me! It was somewhere out there!'
'Was it, like... a woman? Or a man?'
'I dunno! It was high pitched,  I guess!'
Simon looked around frantically, scanning the dark road for movement.
'Just... keep driving. Slowly!'
I did as he said, and a few moments later, we came across a shape in the road.
'I'm going to look.'
'No! Simon!' Before I could stop him, he was crouched by the figure lying across the road. He leaned down, pulled the cloth away from it's face...

and turned back around, a look of relief on his face. I was out the car at this point, stood by the door.
'It's just a few rag-' he was cut off by the man running from the trees on the side of the road and barrelling into his stomach.
I rushed forward when I saw him, rugby tackling him to the ground and punching him.
He was breathing roughly as I pushed my hand into his throat. I made sure he was unconscious before I let go.
'Simon!' I breathed, turning to look at the boy curled up beside me.
I touched his shoulder, and then his waist, trying to help him up.
My hand was wet when I pulled it away.
I could hear my breathing.
I could hear the quiet, rough breathing of the unconscious man behind me.
But that was it.
'Simon!' I cried, as I lifted my hand to my face to try see better in the light.
And then, of course, I saw the knife.

oh I do love a cliffhanger!

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