Chapter 6 party at my house

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                         Sophie's POV
Today my dad and Cheryl  were going out with my uncles and Danielle. Dad came down and said "okay you know the rules we'll be home at 12:00 or later be safe and don't let anyone in the house got it and no parties understand ?" I said "yeah got it."

Then they left Bella and Chloe came in and Bella said "party time." And got all the alcohol she brought and even the drugs Chole said "really?" Bella said "hell yes I'm geting high tonight." I said "when aren't you." She shurgged her shoulders and walked away and said "whatever."

Then a bunch of other people came in and then lane came in and I walked over to him and said "hey." He said "hey nice house." I said "thanks." He said "if you don't mind me asking what do you parents do for a living?" I said "my dad sings and my mom's a model but she doesn't live here anymore but my dad's girlfriend does and she sings too." Lane said "I'm sorry for your parents divorce it must be so hard for you."I said "it's fine but I'm ok."

Then Elizabeth came down and someone said "who invited the middle schooler?" And Elizabeth said to her "who invited you?" She said "Bella." Elizabeth said "I figured." And came over to me and said "dad's going to be piss actually furious." I said "I'm having fun chill out he will never find out have some fun." Handing her a drink she looked at it and she handed it back and She said "no I'm going upstairs to watch James since I see you forgot about him." I said "I didn't forget about him."

Then James came down and said "dad is going to kill you." I said "come have fun and he will never find out." Dragging him down to have fun he went back upstairs and He said "no I'm going to sleep but I can't because there are people fucking in my room." I gasped and said "James language." He said "dad's not here and your not in charge." I said "I'm in charge dad put me in charge of you guys." Elizabeth said "well your not good at your job so now I'm in charge." I said "I'm doing a good job you guys aren't listening to me." She said "this is not a good job." Pointing to the party

Then they left I said to lane "I'm sorry about them their my siblings." He said "it's fine I have a sister." Then we danced a lot around the house at about 1:00 in the morning everyone left accepted for lane Chloe and Bella. We cleaned up the whole house and sat on the couch and turned on the tv Bella said "I got so high." Chloe said "no shit your still high." I said "are you mad because lane is here?" She said "no." Lane said "she hates me because I hurt her friend when we were in a relationship but I've changed now so you have nothing to worry about." She said "I'll give you one last chance but I swear if you hurt her not only will I kill you her father will too and her uncles so don't mess with her."I said "we're not even a thing we're just friends at the moment."

Then my dad and cherly walked in lane had wide eyes and said "what the fuck?" I said "yes Liam Payne is my dad I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to treat me differently I wanted you to like me for me not because of him."He said "I understand I'll be going now see you tomorrow? And nice seeing you mr Payne." I said "yeah see you then." I hugged him and he left dad said "who was that and are you guys a thing?" I said "lane he's a friend don't worry and no we're not." He said "he seems sweet." I said "he is." I was surprised he was ok with me being friends with him.

Chole and Bella were sleeping over and my dad said "how did tonight go?" I said "it went well they were fine."he said "good."I said goodnight to my dad and Cheryl, then I went up to my room and took a shower and got my pjs on and brushed my teeth and then fell into a peaceful sleep with my dog on my bed.

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