Chapter 7 finding out about the party

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                           Sophie's  POV
I woke up the next morning got dress in a shirt and shorts then I brushed my teeth and hair. Bella said "did I really do this last night?" It was a picture of her naked I said "yeah you did that's how wasted and high you were." She said "I'm dead." Then I saw a article and a picture of me and lane talking and the caption said "who is Sophie's Payne new guy? And she can throw a rocking party." I said " I'm dead."

Then in another article it said "Justin bieber's cousin got very drunk last night and got arrested too." And pictures of Anna with no shirt on and her with a policeman.I said "thank goodness I didn't do anything stupid." Elizabeth came down and said "told you, you would get caught." Dad said "Sophie rose Payne what did I tell you last night." I said "you said no parties." And he said "your grounded for a month that means no phone and no hanging out with your friends and no computer." I handed him all my stuff and my friends left.

Then I went into my room, someone threw a pebble at my window I looked out and it was lane I smiled and opened my window and said "hey." He said "hey are we still on for Starbucks or are you grounded?" I said "I'm grounded but we can still go my father will never know." I climbed out the window since I wasn't that far from the ground and Jumped down He said "wow never thought you of all people would do this."I said "yeah me either but my father will never know. Then we started walking to starbucks for our date.

Liam's POV
There was a knock on the door I got it, it was Sophia she stormed inside and said "what is this that I heard people had a party here last night with alcohol and drugs and someone got arrested!!!"I said "by people you mean our daughter yes she did through a party she disobeyed me I told her not too." Sophia said "is this my fault?" I said "no why would it be your fault?" She said "because I was the one who wanted the divorce and now she is acting out does she hate me?" I said "no she could never she still getting use to cherly and everything that has happened in her life it will just take her time to get use to everything."She said "you don't think she'll get that bad right?" I said "I don't think so she's smart." She said "okay can I see her?" I said "of course she's your daughter too." She went upstairs while I made lunch for the kids.

Sophia's POV
I knocked on Sophie's door She didn't answer so I opened it she wasn't in there I walked downstairs and put my hand on my hip and said "you didn't ground her for this?"with a raised eyebrow Liam said "what are you talking about I did for a month If she's not up there she's in more trouble now." I said "well she's not up there where could she have went." He said "I don't know but let's go find her." He grabbed his keys and we were off to find Sophie.

                         Sophie's POV
I was having a amazing time with lane at starbucks we just laughed and talked then someone said "well well look who we have here?" I slowly turned around and saw 5SOS with their arms crossed I laughed and said "hey boys what brings you boys here on this fine day?" They said "nice try you're not sweet talking yourself out of this one now you come with us willingly or we do it our way." I sighed and said "bye to lane." Then walked with them to the car uncle Luke was driving we got in and he said "what has gotten into you Sophie?" I said "nothing I'm just being a teenager that's all." Uncle cal said "is it because of your parents divorce cause you never acted this way before." I looked at my feet and said "maybe." They sighed and uncle Michael said "they both love you a lot just as much as they did before you know they think you're in your room right now you know how worried they are?" I said "pretty worried and now I'm in more trouble." Uncle ash said "excatly now go apologize to your parents and tell them you are safe and no more sneaking out got it?" I said "yeah I got it." Then uncle Luke stopped the car I got out and went inside to see my parents there looking worried I said "did one of the 5sos boys tell you already?" My mom said "yes they texted your father and your grounded for another month now." I looked at my dad and said "you're going to allow this?"he said "she's still your mother so yes." I said "I'm sorry." Then headed to my room and stayed there for the rest of the night I showered and got into my pjs and then went to sleep.

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