Chapter 14 belly button pricing

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Sophie's pov
I was still grounded but the boys weren't here and I really wanted to get my belly button priced. So I got dressed and headed to the nearest pricing place I got there and I went in and said "hi I would like to get my belly button priced." The guy said "how old are you?" I lied and said "18." The guy fell for it and said "okay just sign here." I signed the paper and waited for the guy to call me to the back.

The guy called me and I headed back into the room and I laid on the table and waited for the guy to come in, the guy came in and then did the pricing then I paid him and when I walked out I saw the boys and Elizabeth I said "shit." And it was loud I hid in the bathroom and just stayed in there.

I then slowly opened the door and didn't see them so I quickly ran out and ran back to the tour bus. And got into my bunk and acted like I was sleeping the boys and Elizabeth came back she said "look what I got." I looked and saw she got her nose priced I said "dad won't approve." She said "he did I asked him for permission and he said yeah and I got it." I said "that is so unfair he didn't allow me to get my belly button priced." She said "because he's more protective over you not me so much and he knows you're going to do it without his permission anyways." I said "okay whatever I still got one." She said "told you I knew you would and how?"I said "I went to the place." She said "but you're grounded?" I said "I snuck out." She said "the boys and dad will find out and they won't be happy." I said "not if you don't tell." She said "I won't the papz will." I said "crap I'm going to be in so much trouble." She said "yeah you will be." The boys walked in and said "tell us this isn't true because if it is you're grounded for another week." I saw the magazine and said "yeah it's true and you're not my father." Uncle Ashton raised a eyebrow at me and said "excuse me I'm in charge of the two of you while you guys are on tour with us you have to listen to us you're grounded for another week and don't think I'm not going to tell your father about this." He then left I goraned and said "whatever." Uncle Calum said "stop with the attitude." I said "okay."

Then I went to my bunk and just laid there then uncle Ashton came over with the phone and said "it's your father." I sighed and said "okay." And took the phone from him I said "what." He said "excuse me." I said "hi." He said "why would you do that?" I said "I wanted one." He said "I'll let you keep it but never do that again understand." I said "yeah I understand." He said "and listen to the 5SOS boys they are in charge of you and stop with the attitude or I will make you come home." I said "okay I'm sorry." He said "just don't do it again and apologize to the 5SOS boys not me." I said "okay I will." He then hung up I handed the phone back to uncle Ashton and said "I'm sorry I was just annoyed that my dad allowed elizabeth to get a nose ring but didn't allow me to get a belly button ring." He said "it's okay I just don't want you to ever do that again understand." I said "yeah I understand."

Then I went back to my bunk a couple mintues later they called me in for dinner I ate and then went back to my bunk I went to take a shower and then I got my pjs on and went back to my bunk and went to sleep.

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