Chapter 17 missing

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                         Sophie's pov
I woke up in the middle of the night I had to go to the bathroom. When I came out I heard a scream come from outside I walked out of the tour bus and saw a van driving away I thought the worse that they took my sister I ran back inside of the tour bus and went over to her bunk and she wasn't there my heart was pounding out of my chest I turned on all the lights and said "someone help me." I couldn't breath that woke all the boys up Uncle Ashton came over to me and said "what's wrong?" I said "someone took elizabeth and I'm freaking out I feel like I'm going to pass out." uncle Luke said "okay just breath and how do you know someone took her?" I said "she's not in her bunk and I heard someone scream someone took her someone please call the police please we need to find her." uncle Luke said "okay calm down and just breath uncle michael is calling your parents and the police they will be here soon don't worry we will find her." I said "what if we don't." uncle Luke hugged me and said "we will." I was crying by now. I texted lane and told him what was happening he said he was on the next flight out here. uncle Michael came back and said "the police are on their way and your parents are taking the next flight out here." I said "okay good now I'm going to look for her." I got my shoes and sweatshirt on and uncle Ashton said "not so fast you're not going by yourself." I said "my friend is out there she'll come with me I'll have my phone With me at all times I'll text you guys if I find any clues or anything." uncle Calum stepped in front of me and said "no we are not losing you too your staying here with us were you are safe." I said "can I at less go ask the fans that are out there if they saw what happened?" The boys looked at each other and then said "fine but be safe." I said "I will." I walked out to the fans and they screamed I said "okay I have a question for you girls?" They said "okay go on." I said "my sister is missing did you see anything go on out here around 1:00 am?" A girl said "yeah I saw a van pull up and 2 clowns jump out of the van they were legit clowns I'm not making that up." I said " I thought we were over this whole clown thing." She said "I guess not but they went into the tour bus and came out with your sister she screamed and then they put a bandana around her mouth." I said "if these clowns are the same people that took me when I was younger I swear I'm going to kill them and my dad will put a restraining order on them so my dad will kill them too but thank you for telling me that when the police get here tell them that too." She said "okay and no problem and they probably are because the guy got out and his daughter is still around here be careful." I said "okay I will." I walked back into the tour bus and told the guys everything that she told me the boys said "stay close." I said "I will."

Then there was a knock at the door uncle michael got it and it was the police I said "follow me I'll take you to the person who saw the whole thing." I walked them over to the fan and she told them everything. The police said "okay we'll send out a search party you guys stay here and report anything you see." I said "okay."

Then my old babysitter now friend Ashley came over and said "not again." I said "this time it's worst they were in clown suits." She said "do you even know if it's them." I said "I don't know but I have a feeling it is did she tweet anything?" Ashley said "no she didn't all she tweeted was that her aunt got her a new car."

Then a car pulled up outside the fence and there she was Sarah I marched over to her and I yelled "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WITH MY SISTER?!?!" She said "relax I didn't take her obviously I didn't since I'm here and not were she is." I said "did your father take her I swear if he did I'll kill him!!!" She said "he's locked up still." A fan said "I thought he got out." She said "ha funny they put him in a jail cell that you can't escape from you have to have a key to get in it which is a card that the gaurds use there's only one way in and one way out he tried to take it from them but he couldn't and got even more locked down in that horrible place don't worry you won't have to deal with him for a long time." I said "why are you here?" She said "to help you I have source I can help you and I'm not the one that took you my father did and yes you would think I would take your sister but no I didn't these people are worst than me." I said "what do you know about these clowns?" She said "they are horrible people she's not the only one they took they also took zayn Malik's little sister saffa she was here visiting him because he is here too I'm helping them too they also took justin Bieber's little brother jaxon." I said "what do they want with them?" She said "I don't know I think they just want their siblings to give them money but I don't know for sure all I know is that they gave me this tape and told me to give it to you." I took it and then brought it to the police they played it we all gathered around and watched it.

The video said "we have your siblings/daughter here with us don't worry they are safe for now we won't hurt them yet but you have to give us one thing. Which is all the jewelry you have so we can sell it and make cash off of it if you don't they get hurt and you also have to give us money you have 3 weeks to do this if you chose not too their dead and so are you and don't worry these aren't going to be the only people here we have one more kid to get hahaha you should be scared."

The police tracked the tape they said "its un trackable." I said "I'm going to look for them." I took a bunch of fake jewelry and fake money too I got them from the store I knew this would come in handy. The boys said "we're coming with you then." I said "no I don't want you to get hurt."they said "we don't want you to get hurt you don't know how many of them there are." I said "well I don't want you boys to get hurt either." uncle Ashton said "I say we stay put until your parents get here and boyfriend get here." I said "ok fine we'll wait for them." uncle Luke said "have you guys done it?" I said "that's not the point right now we have to look for these physcos." uncle Michael said "we will once your parents arrive and boyfriend arrives." I said "they better come soon."

I was so worried I didn't want anything to happen to my baby sister we waited patiently for them to arrive.

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