Chapter 11 runaway to the city

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                      Sophie's POV
I really wanted to go to NYC my dad wasn't around much he was to busy with his record lable to even notice that me or Elizabeth was here or James. Cherly was to busy spending time with her new single. So us kids were bored I thought this would be a brilliant idea dad won't even notice we're missing. I packed a bag and so did Elizabeth and James, she said "I don't think this is a good idea." I said "trust me it is we won't get caught don't worry." I finished packing and then got our tickets I told cherly we were leaving she said "okay see you later." She didn't think anything of it she was to busy working on her single, we all got in my car and headed to lane's house, I went up to his door and knocked he opened it with a bag I already told him the plan and he said he was in so was bella.

Then we were off to the airport we got there and got our luggage checked and everything if we get caught we are going to be in so much trouble but so far so good now all we have to do is wait for our plane. We got Starbucks and waited bella said "I never thought you would do something like this." I said "I wanted to go to NYC and neither of my parents would take me they wouldn't even listen to me they were ignoring all of us the other night Elizabeth snuck out to go to a party and James had to get stiches because he cut open his head and neither of our parents were home neither were our uncles they are all way to busy to even notice us. When we got home from the hospital my dad and Cheryl were like where were you guys and what happened and I told them and then they promised they would watch us more and be there for us more and do more things with us but that hasn't happened so this is what I decided to do." Lane said "so you decided to put us all in danger? Don't get me wrong I want to go and all I'm just afraid something is going to happen." I said "we'll be fine trust me that's all you need to do is trust me nothing will happen."

Then our plane was called we handed to polite our tickets and we got on the plane and took our seats we buckled up and then the polite went over the safety rules then it was lift off we made it. I was so happy we were heading to ny.

Liam's POV
I got home from the studio and the house was quiet which was werid I yelled out "cherly." She said "in our room." I went into our room and put my head on her shoulder and said "hey where are the Kids?" She said "they went out." I said "where did they go?" She said "probably into town I don't know I didn't bother to ask them. I was to busy doing this."I said "okay."

Then I went on my computer to check how much we spent I saw that someone brought 5 plane tickets to ny. I said "hey Cher did you buy plane tickets to ny?" She walked over to sit next to me and  said "no did you?" I said "no." She said "you don't think the kids did." I said "no they couldn't have maybe one of the boys did?" She said "why would they use our bank account then?" I said "I don't know do you really think our kids would do that?" She said "it's possible because we  haven't been spending anytime with them and we are never home so who knows what they could be doing."I said "I'll call Sophie to see where she is." Cherly said "okay." I called Sophie and she picked up on the first ring she said "hi dad." I said "where are you?" She said "I'm in town with lane bella Elizabeth and James." I said "you better not be lying to me."

Sophie's POV
We got off the plane and my phone was ringing it was my dad I picked up and said "hi dad." He said "where are you?" I said "I'm in town with lane bella James and Elizabeth." Which was a toal lie but I was with Elizabeth lane bella and James we just weren't in town we were in a different state he said "you better not be lying to me." I said "I'm not I swear." He said "then why the hell did I see someone pay for 5 tickets to ny?!?" I froze I totally forgot he can see what people buy on his bank account I said "they were for friends they are going to ny today and couldn't afford it so I helped them get the tickets they'll pay me back." He said "oh okay your a good friend see you tonight?" I said "yeah you'll see us tonight late." He said "okay stay safe and love you bye." I said "will do love you too bye." I sighed and said "that to was close." Lane said "he almost caught us." I said "yup but I'm a good lier so we didn't get caught." He said "yet." I said "we won't get caught."

Then we decided to check into our hotel we were staying in for the day. We got a taxi and it took us to the hotel that was near the play we were seeing tonight which was Hamilton which I'm surprised my dad didn't see thoese tickets yet. We put our stuff in our room and then got dress for the show I got my dress on and put on my make up I walked out and lane said "wow you look beautiful." I said "thanks you look good your self ." He smiled and peaked my lips bella walked out and said " gag let's go." then we headed to go get some dinner, after we found a restront we liked we are there lane paid and then we left.

We headed to the show and I froze because I saw uncle Louis and aunt Danielle there I said "we're screwed." Elizabeth said "tell me about it."bella said "let's just hope they don't see us." We headed our seats and surprise they were right next to us I goraned and said "we are so busted."

They were siting right next to us but didn't notice us thank goodness the show began it was amazing we loved it then it ended we tried to quickly leave and of course we were caught aunt Danielle said "Sophie?" I slowly turned around and said "yeah that's me." She asked "what are you guys doing here are you guys here alone?!?!?" I said "um no we wouldn't be that stupid to come to NYC alone." Uncle Louis said with his arms crossed "then who's with you that's a adult?" I said "you guys duh." Aunt Danielle glared at me and said "you guys didn't come with us did you guys come here alone and do your parents know you guys are here?!?!" I sighed and said "yes we came here alone and no we told them we were in town." Uncle Louis said "you guys are in so much trouble go back to your hotel and get some sleep we leave tomorrow morning and I'm calling your father to tell him were you are he is probably worried sick." I nodded and then we went back to the hotel we were staying at and they were staying at the same one I took a shower brushed my teeth and got my pjs on and went to sleep.

Liam's POV
I got a call from Louis I picked up and said "hey what's up mate?" He said "did you know your daughters and son and your daughter's boyfriend and best friend are in NYC did you know that?" I said "I knew it I knew they were they are in so much trouble I figure it wasn't for friends." He said "we're bring them home tomorrow morning their fine their sleeping now." I said "good they are in for it tomorrow." He said "trust me if they were my kids they would be dead already." I said "it's going to be a long day for them that's all I'm saying."

Then he hung up and I went back to sleep and told cherly that the kids were in NYC she said "they are in so much trouble." I said "yes they are." Then we both fell to sleep hoping they get home safe tomorrow.

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