Chapter 16 nudes/sex

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Sophie's pov
I was texting lane back and forth because the boys weren't around right now so I snuck my phone even know I was grounded we were just talking and then he sent me a nude I smiled and the caption said "I know you want this." I smiled and bit my lip and took off my shirt and bra and took a picture and said "I know you want this." I smirked at my phone and sent it.

Then I put my shirt and bra on then he sent me a picture of his private part I gasped and through  my phone of course elizabeth and the boys walk in right at that moment she said "what happened and aren't you not suppose to be on your phone aren't you grounded?" I said "nothing and yeah I wasn't on it." She picked my phone up off the floor and saw the picture he sent me and what I sent him she said "you're a idiot why would you send him that you're just digging your self a deeper hole then you are in right now!!!" I said "he sent one to me so I sent one back no big deal." She said "you're going to get yourself in even more trouble then your in and yes it is a big deal Sophie gosh what's wrong with you and mom's here." I said "no one will know if you don't tell and ok."

I went out and said hi to my mom snd hugged her she said "are you acting up because of me and your father?" I said "no." She sighed and said "don't because everything is fine between the two of us we are both happy now don't you want us happy?"I said "yeah I do but at less you're not having another child like dad is with another guy and at less you're not with another guy I like cherly I just want everything to be like it was before." She said "this is just how it is now and you have to live with it." I said "I know that and I'll live and I'll cope with it my way." She said "okay."

Then we headed to lunch together we waited to be seated back together at the restaurant we were seated the boys let me out only to go with my mom but I'm still grounded. We ordered our food once it came we ate after we were done my mom paid and then said "I got to go to work but we will do this again soon." She hugged me and I said "bye." She said "bye."

Then she left and I headed back to the tour bus. I got there and I never knew mine and lane's text would go this far but obviously they would but not this soon in the relationship. I looked at the picture again on my phone I took a picture of my down below and said "I know you want this." I sent it, lane texted me back saying "come let me in." I frowned my eyebrows confused and went to the front of the tour bus I gasped and saw lane I said "what are you doing here?" He smirked and said "so we can have fun." I smirked and said "so you do want too?" He said "yes of course do you?" I smirked at him and said "yeah."

Then he deeply kissed me we started having a make out session I moaned and we climbed into my bunk after we were done we just laid in bed together I said "I love how we promise my dad we wouldn't do it until we're married and then we did." He said "I totally forgot about that." I laughed and said "yeah When he approved he said that but he'll never know we did it." We then kissed and started having a make out session then someone opened the curtians it was elizabeth she said "you're going to be in so much trouble no actually you'll be dead." I said "only if they find out and you don't tell." She said "oh I don't have too the boys are here and they'll see him leaving." I said "shit." We got dress and then the boys walked in with my dad I'm in a lot of trouble now I went pale. Lane was next to me I said "hey dad." And gave him a hug uncle Ashton said "when did he get here?" I said "um he came to surprise me duh." uncle Calum said "did you guys do anything?" I lied and said "we just chilled and talked." Lane snicker and whispered in my ear "you are so bad at lying." I rolled my eyes and smiled and slapped his chest and said "shut up like you can do better." He said "oh I can."I rolled my eyes and uncle Luke said "are you guys a thing?" I said "yeah we have been and yes my dad knows." uncle Michael said "so you guys are dating?" I said "yeah we are." Then I said "I'm going to walk lane back to his hotel." They said "wait you're grounded." I said "please just this one time I'll come straight back." They said "fine then right back here."

Then we left we were holding hands we got to his hotel and I gave him a peak on the lips then I headed back to the tour bus. Elizabeth said "I thought you said you weren't going to send one back." I said "I never said that and how do you know that I did?" She said "you forgot something oh wait you can't have this." She was holding my phone and smirked at me I said "really elizabeth that's private." She said "you're such a hoe." I said "no I'm not leave me alone I'm older than you I can do what I want!!"She said "than make smarter decisions!!"I said "I do."she said "you do not." I rolled my eyes and then left.

Then I went to take a shower and got dressed nicely we were going out for dinner with my dad. We got to the restaurant and walked over to the table the boys and my dad was at we sat down and talked and then we ordered once our food arrived we ate after that the boys paid and we headed back to the tour bus and lane was there I said "what are you doing here?" He said "this is yours." My eyes went wide it was my underwear I took it and hid it before the boys or my dad saw. They walked over and my dad said "everything okay?"I said "yeah everything is fine I'm just really tired I'm going to go bed see you guys tomorrow." I walked backwards into the tour bus right into elizabeth who took my underwear and said "I knew it." The boys and my dad looked at me With wide eyes I said "I was doing laundry and I forgot it at lanes hotel." Elizabeth said "laundry my ass more like doing him." My dad said "Elizabeth stop torturing your sister and language." She said "I'm just making sure she makes good decisions which she isn't." I said "I do now leave me alone gosh ." I took my underwear and put it away and then I got my pjs on and brushed my teeth and climbed into my bunk then I remembered we forgot to use protection I said "shit."

Then I tried to fall asleep but I was freaking out now what was I going to do if I was pregnant.

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