Chapter 15 smoking

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                           Sophie's pov
I was finally un grounded and free for now right  now me the boys and Elizabeth were heading to a party the boys told me not to do anything stupid I told them that wasn't possible. I wore a short black dress and high heels some how I got out of the tour bus like that I don't know how I did but some how I managed to do so which I was ok with, we got to the party and there were a ton of people there I took a drink yes it was a alcohol drink I didn't care and Uncle calum said "what are you drinking?" I lied and said "soda." He said "let me smell it." I handed him my drink and he smelt it and said "I'll take it I can't believe you you need to stop this." I rolled my eyes he got me a soda and I went over to someone and said "hey got some Booz?" He said "over there." I walked over and poured some in my drink.

Then I saw my uncle Harry here I walked over and said "um what are you doing here?" He said "I'm friends with them what are you doing here?" I said "with 5SOS." He said "good and go change how did they let you out of the bus like that." I said "I don't have other clothes to change into and this is fine and I don't even know how they let me get out of the tour bus like this." He said "it's way to short I don't see how you got away with that."

Then Ashton came over and handed me a different dress I sighed and I went to the bathroom and changed into it. I walked out and saw a couple of people smoking outside they said "want one?" I looked at the cigarette and thought about it for a second then I said "ah what the hell yolo." And took it they lit it and I dragged it out it felt good it released my stressed  but of course uncle calum saw and came over and knocked it out of my hand and said "what were you thinking you know how bad this is for you?!?!" I said " I wanted to do it and says the one who does it." He said "why?!?" I said "because why not it helps me with the stress." He said "you're grounded for a week I never want to see another one of these near you." I said "says the one that does it." He said "this isn't about me this is about you." I said "okay whatever you say hypocrite."

Then I went and danced for a bit and uncle Harry came up to me and said "I heard what happened." I said "I just wanted to try it and it helps with stress." He said "I know but you know how bad they are for you." I said "yeah I know but remember my dad does it and uncle Louis does it too so it shouldn't be this big of a deal when my uncle cal does it too."He said "never do it again got it? And this is about you not them we don't want you doing it ok just don't do it."I nodded and then we left we headed back to the tour bus and I took a shower once I got out I put my pjs on and climbed into my bunk and went to bed.

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