
140 10 0

word count; 1447

{ Delilah Lancaster above }



Corrine Lancaster sat at the kitchen counter early Monday morning, reading over her latest chapter, editing a few things here and there. Finishing the coffee in her mug, she stood up, moving over to the sink, and set the cup in the water. She needed to do dishes. The past few days had been a little hectic, what with Delilah starting first grade, and her editor pressing her to finish this book. She knew Margret meant well, but Corrine needed a breather.

She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. She'd recently cut it, so there wasn't much hair to run her fingers through anyway. Her gaze flickered to the small tattoo on her left wrist. Delilah's birth date. She smiled. Corrine made her way back over to the counter and sat down, going back to her work.

"Delilah! Honey, it's time to go!" Corrine called down the hall to where her daughter's room was.

"Okay mum!" Delilah called back. Corrine grabbed her notebook, and her folder, slipping it into her bag. Delilah came running out of her room, her backpack in hand. She wore blue jeans, and a white t-shirt with a dream catcher on it. She wore a grey sweater over top of it. "Mum, I can't do up my zipper." Delilah said. Corrine bent down to her daughter's height, quickly zipping up her sweater, but not to high, knowing how Delilah felt like she was being choked.

"There you go." Corrine smiled, brushing a stray lock out of he daughter's face. "Do you have everything?" Delilah shook her head.

"I didn't get my morning kiss." she stated. Corrine shook her head, kissing her cheek.

"Just like your father." she mumbled quietly. Corrine handed Delilah her lunch box, and a juice box for the car ride. "Alright let's go." Corrine said.

"So, Lauren is going to pick you up from school today." Corrine said, pulling up in front of Delilah's school. Delilah frowned.

"How come you're not." she asked, pouting.

"Because Margret is breathing down my neck about this book, meaning I might be a little late picking you up, and I know you don't like waiting here all alone. So Lauren is picking you up. Is that okay?" Delilah nodded.

"It's okay mummy." She smiled. Delilah unbuckled herself, and opened the car door. She jumped out of the car, and then stretched to grab her back pack. Corrine smiled, remembering how Delilah had finally had enough of her car seat and demanded that she never had to use it again. Delilah looked up at her mother. "I love you mummy." she smiled.

"I love you to Lilah." Corrine said, addressing her by her nickname.

"I'll see you tonight mummy, bye!" Delilah closed the car door, running off in the direction of her school. Corrine shook her head.

Corrine ran her fingers through her hair – a habit she'd recently picked up when she became stressed – as she exited the elevator. "Morning Lainey." Corrine said, greeting the receptionist.

"Morning Corrine." she smiled back. Corrine made her way to Margret's office, and opened the door, stepping inside.

"Ah, you made it." Margret smiled, taking off the black rimmed glasses she wore when reading. Corrine laughed.

"Must I remind you that I am a mother first, an author second?" she said, taking a seat across from Margret.

"I'm only teasing." Margret said. Corrine leaned back in her chair, and sighed loudly.

Rough Drafts | Luke Hemmings {Sequel to Papercuts} ✔Where stories live. Discover now