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word count; 1659


Walking into her apartment, Corrine was instantly greeted with the sound of someone playing the piano. She knew it was Lilah. She remembered when she begged her to let her pick up the instrument. She signed her up for lessons, and Lilah was a natural at it. She set her bag down on the floor and made her way to the spare room. Poking her head inside, she was met with a beautiful sight. Lilah sat at the piano, while Luke sat on the floor. She was playing one of his songs on the piano. Luke stared up at Lilah completely astonished at her talent. Corrine quietly snuck into the room, taking a seat next to Luke. He payed her no attention. The song began to slow, and come to and end. Lilah looked over at Luke, and smiled. "Hi mummy!" Lilah waved. Luke turned his head and jumped a little.

"Hey." he said. "Didn't hear you come in." he said.

"Did you like it?" Lilah asked Luke.

"I loved it." he smiled. "You're talented. We should get you to join us on stage sometime." Luke joked. Corrine gave him a stern look, but then smiled.

"I think I'll stick to my piano recitals." Lilah said, jumping off the stool, and running out of the room. Corrine shook her head.

"She begged me for a whole week before I put her in lessons." Corrine said, leaning against the back wall.

"Why so long?" Luke asked, facing her.

"I didn't want her to get discouraged if she couldn't do it. She's a very determined girl. If someone says she can't, she says she can and she will, and she does it." Corrine said. "But the moment she sat down at the piano... I guess music runs in the family." she smiled at Luke.

"Did you know she wants to learn the drums?" Luke said finally. "She thinks she too small for the guitar, but the drums? No, she thinks she can play those." he laughed.

"Don't be upset if she doesn't want to play the guitar like you Luke. She's only a child."

"That's no what I meant. She thinks she too small to learn the guitar. She joked about saying she'd have to start with a ukulele."

"Well, if you really want her to learn guitar, maybe you could show her. Or Michael. One or the other. And if she gets upset, tell her she can do it. She'll get the hang of it sooner or later."

"Nah, I don't mind if she wants to be a drummer when she's older. As long as she's doing something she loves, I'll approve, and I'll always be proud of her."

"What if she becomes a stripper?" Corrine asked. The colour drained from Luke's face, and his mouth fell open. Luke stood to his feet.

"No way. My daughter is not dancing for men." Corrine laughed, grabbing his hand, pulling her back to him.

"Luke I'm kidding." she said. "That was just an example." Luke sighed, and sat back down, next to her.

"Not funny." he frowned.

"I'm sorry."

"I just want her to follow her dreams, that's all." Luke stated. "Like how I followed mine, and you followed yours."

"Always the romantic." Corrine laughed.

"You know it." Luke's phone suddenly buzzed, and he took it out of his pocket.

"Who is it?"

"Management. I have to go." Luke said. "I'll call you if anything changes, okay."

"Okay. But Luke!-" Corrine called after him. He turned around.

Rough Drafts | Luke Hemmings {Sequel to Papercuts} ✔Where stories live. Discover now