
105 10 1

word count; 1475

{ for those who are unaware of the music video Corrine is talking about, the song is called Into You by Ariana Grande. }



The sound of rain hitting the window woke Corrine up in the early morning hours of Friday morning. She sighed, rubbing her hand over her face. She knew she wasn't going to be able to get some sleep. She climbed out of her bed, which six years later, was still just a mattress on the ground. She slipped on some shorts, and a tank top before padding into the hallway and into the kitchen. On her way, she stopped, and quickly checked in on Delilah. She was asleep in her bed, unaware of the rain, but not for long. The rain was bound to wake her up soon. She gently shut the door, and went into the kitchen. She poured herself a glass of orange juice, and moved over to the couch.

She grabbed her computer, and logged on. She went into her docs, and opened her latest book. In six years, Corrine had written seventeen books. Most of which were inspired by songs she'd listened to, or the ideas came to her from things she spoken about in conversations. One of her books was inspired by Lilah. Corrine just drew in the inspiration around her. One day, while she was visiting Lauren, she showed Corrine a music video about a celebrity, who's fallen in love with her bodyguard, and together, they run away. Corrine decided to turn it into a book.

She scrolled down to where she last left off. Corrine began typing away at the compute, adding the things Margret and her discussed, and taking out the things that were unnecessary. It was half past seven when Corrine heard footsteps from behind her. She turned her head. Delilah stood in the doorway, rubbing her eyes. "Morning sweetheart." Corrine said. She patted the couch. Delilah walked over, climbing up onto the couch next to her mother.

"Morning." she yawned. Corrine passed her daughter the glass of orange juice. Lilah took a sip, and set it down on the table. "Are you working on your book?" she mumbled, leaning into her mother's side. Corrine nodded.

"Yep." she said.

"Is it going good?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Will you read it to me when you're done?" Lilah asked her.

"Maybe when you're older." Corrine laughed.

"How much older?"

"Maybe when you're ten." Corrine said.

"I can wait four years." Lilah said, trying to convince herself.

"I don't doubt you." Corrine smiled. There was a knock on the door, interrupting them.

"Lilah, can you check the door?" Lilah nodded, hoping off the couch, and heading to the front door. She opened it.

"Morning Larry." Lilah said. Larry was the mailman of the apartment. On Fridays, he would deliver the mail to the residents in the building. He said he needed the exercise. Larry handed her an envelope. "Thanks Larry." Lilah said, and closed the door. "Mum you have a letter." she said, hurrying over to Corrine.

"Probably a bill." Corrine muttered. She took the envelope from Lilah, and opened it. Her expression changed once she read over the first line. "No." she whispered.

Dear Corrine,

Hey, Cory. It's Luke. I know you probably don't want to hear from me, but I need to tell you I'm sorry. Management made me stop writing letter to you when the hooked me up with Taylor as a PDR stunt. I know I shouldn't have stopped writing, but I did. I'm sorry. I know sorry doesn't make up for three years, but I needed you to know.

Rough Drafts | Luke Hemmings {Sequel to Papercuts} ✔Where stories live. Discover now