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"Delilah! Come on, or you're going to be late!" Corrine called, as she gathered her things. Delilah came running out, backpack in hand.

"Ready!" the younger girl was in a pair of jean shorts and a purple t-shirt. Her shoe laces were untied as well.

"Darling, your laces." Corrine said. Delilah huffed, and quickly bent down, tying them hastily.

"Now I'm ready." she breathed.

"Then let's go."

The drive was silent, but when Corrine pulled up to the school, Delilah spoke. "Will Luke be at home after school mummy?"

"He should be." Corrine said. "Alright. You have a good day, yeah."


"Lilah?" Corrine said. Delilah turned to her mother, he feet dangling out the side of the car, the door wide open.

"Yeah mummy?"

"I love you."

"I love you to mummy. Bye!" Delilah hopped out of the car, running away. Corrine put the car in drive, and drove off.

It was nice for her, not having to be in Margret's office every other day. The week off really helped her. Corrine walked out of the elevator, passed Lainey. "Morning." she called out to the secretary.

"Nice to see you again Corrine."

"You too." Corrine walked into Margret's office, closing the door, sighing. "Hello." she said, taking off her jacket. Margret smiled.

"Hello." she replied. Corrine grabbed her folder, and handed it over to her.

"So, I did some revising, took out what we didn't need, and kept what I did need." Corrine said, leaning back in the chair.

"Alright." Margret said. She quickly skimmed over the latest chapters. She picked up her red pen, and made a few adjustments, here and there. Drawing lines, and arrows through and around things. "So far, so good." she said. "You amaze me every time you come in here, Cory." Margret said.

"Why thank you."

"So how's life?" Margret asked.

"Well, fun fact. My ex is in town." Margret looked up from what she was doing, and raised her brow.

"Oh. Really?" she asked. Corrine nodded.

"Yes. He's met Lilah and everything."


"Delilah didn't want him to leave." Corrine laughed. "She really likes him. And Luke refuses to abandon her, so it's a win win."

"Well that is good." Margret said. "I hope it all works out for you three."

"Me too."

Luke made his way over to Corrine's apartment around 3:20 that afternoon. Luke was pretty surprised that Corrine gave him a key to the apartment, and told him to just let himself in. It was that, or he would have had to wait for Lauren and Delilah to show. He rode the elevator up to her floor, and walked down the hall towards her apartment. He put the key in the lock, and opened the door. He made his way inside, kicking off his shoes. With about half an hour to kill, Luke wandered around the apartment. Corrine had pictures of Lilah all over the place. From her first photo in the hospital, to her first birthday. Pictures of her with Lauren and Owen, her with Mali and Hannah. Even pictures with his mum. Luke took his phone out of his pocket, dialing up his mother. He figured he should talk to her at some point. On the third ring she picked up. "Hello?" Liz's phone rang through.

Rough Drafts | Luke Hemmings {Sequel to Papercuts} ✔Where stories live. Discover now