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One week passed since Luke found himself in the PDR stunt with Alyssa, and as the days progressed, Luke could see how much Alyssa was falling for him. He knew he shouldn't string her along, but at the cost that he would loose his family . . . Luke didn't want to risk it. Even the boys took note in how Luke wasn't himself. Even Owen felt sorry for him. He knew a how much he cared for his sister, and now all this? Luke wasn't having it easy. The boys were currently at the studio going over some lyrics, when Matt walked in. "Okay boys, here's what you need to know. You have the Gala next week. Luke you and Alyssa will be attending together, the rest of you, a date is optional." Calum turned to Michael.

"We could ask the girls if they wanted to go. You can take Hannah, and I'll take Mali." he said.

"Yeah, and Ashton can take Lauren."

"If she's not busy, then yeah." Ashton said.

"When's the Gala?" Michael asked.

"Next Thursday." Luke tensed up.

"T-Thursday?" he stammered.


"I don't think I can make it." Luke said.

"That's not an option. You have to be there." Matt said.

"I have a personal matter to attend to." Luke said.

"Is someone dying?"


"Getting Married?"


"Having a baby."


"Then it's not important." Luke could feel the anger burning in him as Matt said that it wasn't important. "You''re going, and that's final. I'll have them send Alyssa over to your place at 7:00 sharp. Good day boys."

"What's on Thursday?" Calum asked.

"Delilah's piano recital. I promised her that I would be there." Luke said. "I can't miss that recital."

"But the-"

"Mike, I don't care about the Gala. I care about my daughter. I'm going to her recital if it kills me."

"How though?" Ashton asked.

"I don't know. But I need to be there. Corrine will be fucking pissed if I'm not. Things are already kinda rocky with this PDR stunt, and Lilah will be really upset if I don't show. I've missed out on six years of her life. Not anymore." Luke said.

"Don't worry." Calum said. "We'll figure something out."

Luke became paranoid as the day of the Gala neared. He had tried almost everything to get out of going, but nothing worked. It was worse because Alyssa became more and more excited about the Gala, and was even talking about matching almost. Luke wanted to throw himself out the nearest window, and onto the busy streets of New York.

He rolled over onto his side, trying to sleep, but he couldn't. He sighed, sitting up, running his hands through his hair. "You alright?" Corrine's voice called out to him. He looked over at her.

"I'd be lying if I said yes." he sighed. Corrine propped herself up on her elbows.

"Work?" she asked. Luke laughed.

"You don't know the half of it." Corrine sat up, straddling his waist.

"I feel you. Margret's been breathing down my neck about my book for the past several days." she said. "But I guess that's nothing compared to what you've been doing." Luke pulled her closer to him.

Rough Drafts | Luke Hemmings {Sequel to Papercuts} ✔Where stories live. Discover now