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{ Alyssa above :) }

Luke leaned against the couch in the lounge, laughing at something Michael was doing. Ashton shook his head at his friend, and Calum just stood up, leaving the room. Luke breathed in slowly, trying to contain his laughter, but couldn't, and broke out into another laughing fit. Michael glared at him. "It's not funny!" he yelled. Luke nodded, taking in deep breaths.

"Yes. It. Was." he said, breathing heavily. Michael flopped down face first on the couch.

"I hate you all." Michael groaned.

"Nah, you love us." Calum said, returning. He took a seat next to Michael, just as Matt walked in.

"Good, you're all here." Matt said with a smile.

"Yes . . . ." Ashton said, unsure of what Matt meant. "Why wouldn't we be?"

"Alyssa, Darling, come in here please." Matt said. Calum, Michael and Ashton sat up straight as a girl walked into the room. She was quite beautiful, with great skin, flawless features. Luke could have sworn his friends were drooling. She had dark brown hair, and vibrant green eyes. "Boys, this is Alyssa."

"Hello." Ashton said, giving her a smile. Luke rolled his eyes.

"That's Ashton, he's Calum, Michael, and lastly, Luke." Matt said, introducing them.

"Hello boys." Alyssa said, giving them a smile.

"So, Alyssa here is a Model from L.A., and after talking with her agent, and management, we've agreed that it would be best for both of us, to hook Alyssa up with one of you." Matt said. Luke shook his head playfully, knowing all too well that Calum, Ashton and Michael would be fighting over her. Matt looked to Luke who was staring up at the ceiling from the couch "Luke." Matt said. Luke glanced over at his manager.


"Congratulations. You and Alyssa here are going to get to know each other very well." Luke's face paled as he stared dumbfounded at Matt.


While Luke didn't want to come across as Rude towards Alyssa, he wanted nothing to do with a PDR stunt. Not when he just got back with Corrine. No. But what was he to say? Sorry Matt, no can do, I have a girlfriend and a kid? He was freaking out. So he did what he did best. He smiled at Matt and nodded his head. "So It's settled then. Luke, you and Alyssa we'll be dining together for lunch, so you need to change, and we'll meet you downstairs." Matt lead Alyssa out of the room, leaving Luke to panic.

"This is not happening." he fretted, pacing around the room. "No, no, no, this is so bad. Owen is going to flipping kill me." he groaned. He ran a hand through his hair.

"Luke, calm down. It's going to be okay." Ashton said.

"NO IT'S NOT!" Luke shouted. "I just got back with Cory. I have a six year old daughter for crying out loud, and now, I'm forced to be in a PDR stunt with a girl I've never met! What kind of message it that going to tell Delilah?!" He sat down on the couch, dropping his head into his hands.

"I'm sure Cory will understand." Calum said.

"I doubt it." Luke said. "Dammit."

"Why didn't you tell Matt then, about Cory and Delilah."

"I panicked!" Luke exclaimed. He stood up. "Shit." he grabbed his coat and stormed out of the room. He was not impressed.

Corrine sat at the counter, proof-reading the final chapter of her book. "Mummy, what does monochromatic mean?" Delilah asked from beside her.

Rough Drafts | Luke Hemmings {Sequel to Papercuts} ✔Where stories live. Discover now