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Corrine let out a sigh as she flopped down on the bed, face first into the pillows. Lauren had been over all day, going over a "few" last minute details, making her head hurt. Luke poked his head out from behind the bathroom door. "Lauren driving you crazy?" he asked her. Corrine lifted her head, and looked at him.

"That would be an understatement." she said, rolling onto her side. She propped herself up on her elbow. Luke chuckled. He quickly changed into a pair of sweats, and crawled into bed beside her.

"Poor you." he teased, kissing her cheek.

"I don't think I ever saw Lauren bug you about wedding details, so yes, poor me." Corrine huffed.

"I offered to help, but Lauren would give me a look that scared me. Much like how my mother would glare at Ashton for forgetting his math homework." Corrine laughed.

"I know. Lauren just wants this to be perfect for us." she said.

"It would have been perfect whether or not everything went according to plan. All I really need is you." he mumbled into her neck, kissing it softly. Corrine closed her eyes, taking in his touch. Luke ran his hand up her thigh, stopping to grip her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Someone's feeling frisky." she whispered.

"Can you blame me? I don't get to see you tomorrow. I mean I do, but not until, what? 12:00? I don't even get my morning kiss. Lauren's kidnapping you really early in the morning." Luke pouted.

"Don't remind me. At least you get to sleep in. Lilah and I have to be up way before you. I have to get my nails done tomorrow, and my hair . . ." Luke let her ramble about all the things that needed to be done for tomorrow. "I won't even get breakfast." she whined. "I don't get to eat until after the Wedding. Thank god we're not having a long ceremony."

"Me too. As much as I love you, I wouldn't have the patience to stand through an hour long reception."

"Agreed." Corrine laid her head against his chest. "Are you nervous?" she asked him.

"A little." he admitted.

"Me too." Corrine said. Luke wrapped his arms around her.

"Don't worry. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow, standing at the alter." he said.

"And I'll be the one in white." Corrine smiled.

"I love you." he smiled back.

"I love you to."

When Luke awoke the following morning, he was alone. He took a deep breath. "Today's the day Luke." he mumbled to himself. Changing into a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt, Luke made his way into the kitchen. On the counter was a note. He picked it up.


Calum will be there at eight to pick you up. You're tux is laid out on the couch. I love you, and I'll see you soon.

Love, Corrine.

Luke smiled, before grabbing a bite to eat. Calum showed up at half past seven, and the two talked to kill time. They didn't have to be at the venue until eight thirty. He had to be dressed and ready for Nine- fifteen, and the ceremony would start at 10:00. Luke put his dishes in the sink, and grabbed his tux before following Calum out of the apartment.

"Corrine hold still." Lauren said, trying to fix the woman's makeup.

Rough Drafts | Luke Hemmings {Sequel to Papercuts} ✔Where stories live. Discover now