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Life in the apartment was calm, the only sounds audible were the sounds of the rain hitting the windows, and the soft voice of Delilah Hemmings talking to her baby sister.

The seven year old peered through the railing of her sister's crib early that morning. The three month old had a good grip on her finger, and showed no signs of letting go. Like Delilah, her sister had some of the bluest eyes ever seen, that resembled Luke's. Delilah smiled at her. She had been excited to be a big sister ever since she found out about her mother's pregnancy. Luke couldn't have been happier as well, knowing that he would get to be a father all over again. But this time, he would be there every step of the way for Corrine. And on January 19th, they welcomed Nicole Andrea Hemmings into the world.

Nicole let out a happy squeal and smiled at her sister. Standing behind Delilah in the doorway was Luke. He watched as his oldest daughter interacted with his youngest, feeling extremely proud of both of them. "Hi." he heard Delilah whisper to her. The baby made another sound. Luke smiled, and approached them, resting his hand on Lilah's shoulder.

"Morning." he whispered. Lilah spun around.

"Morning Daddy." she replied.

"Have long have you been up?" he asked.

"A while." she replied. "Nicole woke me up."

"Why didn't you come wake one of us?" Luke asked her.

"You guys looked really tired, and I wanted to spend time with her." Delilah said. Luke kissed her forehead.

"You're a good big sister, you know that?"

"Really?" Luke nodded. Delilah smiled widely. Luke and Lilah sat in Nicole's room, enjoying each others company, and Spending time with Nicole.

Corrine awoke and rolled over in search of her husband, but discovered that the bed was empty. She opened her eyes, and frowned. Standing up, Corrine made her way out of the room, and down the hall to the baby's room. Walked inside, she saw Luke sitting on the floor by the crib with Delilah in his lap, both of them talking to Nicole. Corrine smiled. Corrine walked over to them, plopping down on the floor next to them. "Morning mommy." Delilah said, giving her a hug.

"Morning bug." she replied. She looked over at Luke. "Morning." she said. Luke leaned over, and placed a gentle kiss to the side of her head.

"Morning love." he said.

"What's going on in here?" she asked.

"We've just been hanging with Nicole." Luke replied. "Lilah's been in here the longest."

"She woke me up." she admitted.

"Why didn't wake one of us?" Corrine asked.

"I told daddy that you two looked tired." she set. "So I let you sleep." Corrine kissed her daughter's cheek.

"Thanks bug." she said.

Corrine and Luke watched from the kitchen as Delilah played with her younger sister on the ground of the apartment. Delilah was making funny faces at her. "She loves her." Luke said. His arms were wrapped around her waist, and his chin rested on her shoulder.

"She does, doesn't she? She was so excited to be a sister." Corrine replied.

"She's going to be like you." Luke mumbled into her neck.

"Who is?"

"Delilah. She's going to be like you. Caring, kind, and always there for her sister if she needs her."

"She's going to be like you to." Corrine said. "Funny, sweet, and lovable." Luke smiled, and kissed his wife.

"I love our family." he said.

"And I love you."


THE END! I hope you guys enjoyed the second book, and for those of you who don't want the story to end, there will be a third book called Spilling Ink, so be sure to check that out when you have the chance! I love you all so much. Thanks for reading!


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