twenty- two

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Corrine snuggled into Luke's chest the following morning, the palms of her hands flat on his chest, and his arms wrapped securely around her. Luke gazed down at her, mesmerized by her beauty. How did he get so lucky? He had a beautiful girlfriend and a great kid. Not to mention that he was living his dream. Luke loved Corrine with all his heart, and he was extremely happy that she was back in his life. It had been boring and kind of depressing without her. And now she was his all over again. Luke smiled, and pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead. Quietly, he slipped out of bed, and padded into the kitchen. He found Delilah at the counter, a notebook beside her. She was writing things down. "Morning." Luke said, sitting next to her.

"Morning daddy." she said.

"What are you up to?" he asked.

"Just writing." Lilah said.

"About what?"

"I don't know yet." she said. "But I'll think of something." She looked up to him. "What are you up to?" she countered with a grin. Luke smiled down at his daughter.

"I have a question for you." Luke said.

"I may have an answer."

"How would you feel if Corrine and I got married?" Lilah thought for a moment.

"Well I would get both my parents." she said. "And mommy would be really happy."

"But you'd be okay with it?" Luke asked. Lilah nodded. Luke held out a small black box in front of her. Lilah's eyes widened. "You have to promise not to tell your mother." Luke said. Lilah nodded. She jumped into Luke's arms giving him a hug.

"I guess my birthday wish is really gonna come true after all."

Corrine walked into the kitchen that morning to find her boyfriend at the counter with their daughter. They had a notebook in front of them and together, the two were passing a pen back and forth. Corrine crossed her arms, and walked over to them, resting her elbows on the counter. "What are you guys up to?" she asked.

"I'm currently loosing in tic tac toe." Luke said, looking at her.

"He sucks at this game." Lilah said.

"I do not. I've won a few games."

"Yeah, one." Corrine laughed.

"Okay you two, enough fighting. Lilah don't forget that you're going to grandma's today." Lilah beamed.

"Yes!" She gave Luke a look, and then said, "Good luck." before heading off to her bedroom.

"Why do you need Luck?" Corrine asked.

"No reason." Luke said, making his was over to the coffee pot.

"Sure." Corrine said. She walked over to him, placing herself in front, wrapping her arms around his neck. She leaned in and kissed him. "Are you two keeping secrets from me?" Luke grinned.

"No dear." he gently kissed her neck. "At least not for long. You'll find out soon enough."

"What did you do?" she asked.

"It's what I haven't done." Corrine raised an eyebrow.

"Should I be worried?" Luke shook his head. I'm the one who should be worried.  He thought to himself. "Alright." Lilah came back out.

"I'm ready to go." she said.

"Alright, let me get dressed and then we can go." Corrine said. She placed a kiss on Luke's cheek and left the room. Lilah ran over to him.

"Are you going to do it today?" she asked him.

"That's the plan."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Just Owen, and the boys." Luke said.

"I hope she says yes." Lilah said.

"You and me both." Corrine came back out and gave them a funny look.

"I'm worried." she stated.

"Don't be." Lilah said. "Come on mom." she grabbed Corrine's hand and dragged her out of the apartment, leaving Luke along with his thoughts and a ring.

Luke paced back and forth nervously, waiting for Corrine to come home. Being left alone with nothing but his thoughts, every time he tried to think, his brain would turn everything into a negative outcome. Luke ran his hand through his hair, nervous about what Corrine's answer might be.

The apartment door open, and Luke spun around. Corrine walked in, her hair damp and matted to her forehead. She smiled warmly at Luke. "Sometimes I hate the rain." she said. Luke couldn't help but laugh, cupping the side of her face, all trace of nervousness gone.

"Yeah, but you still look beautiful." he replied, lightly kissing her.

"Always the romantic." she replied, resting her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her against him. Luke felt calm in that moment, and never wanted to let her go. But eventually, she pulled out the hug, looking at him. "What do you want to do?" she asked him.

"I just want to spend the day with my girl." he said. "So what do you say? Chinese takeout and a movie?"

"I'm surprised you remembered that."

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises."

Corrine's head rested on Luke's shoulder as the end credits for the Hunger Games flashed across the screen. Luke let out a shaky breath, catching her attention. "You alright?" she asked. Luke swallowed, looking away briefly before returning his attention to her.

"Yeah." he said. Corrine sat up, facing him.

"You sure?" she said. "You look really nervous. Something's bothering you, what is it?" Luke took a deep breath. It's now or never Luke.

"Promise me you'll let me finish my rant before you say anything?" he asked. Corrine nodded. "I love you. But you know that. I love you a lot Corrine and you make me the happiest man alive. I love everything about you. The small things you do like the way you twirl your hair, or bite your lip on purpose because you know what it does to me. I love your smile and your laugh. I love how caring and passionate you are, the way you follow your dreams and the way you encourage other to do the same. I love how you're always there for me or the boys, or anyone when we need you. I love the fact that you can go a week living off of pizza and that you deal with my obsession with Mean Girls. I love how you can be silly when you want to be and serious when you need to be. I love you so damn much, and I got you something to show you how much you mean to me. But I need you to answer a question first." Luke paused and took another deep breath.

"What's the question?"

"Will you marry me?"


cliffhanger :)


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