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word count; 1011



Corrine sat in her bed, wrapped up in the blankets, staring blankly at the wall. In her hands, she held the letter he sent to her. Corrine felt so many emotions all at once. She was happy because she'd finally heard from him, upset that it took him so long, and angry because he stopped writing over something as silly as his image. Corrine groaned, flopping back on the bed, staring at the white ceiling. She tossed the letter aside, and covered herself with the blankets, letting her head hit the pillow. She let sleep and her dreams consume her.


~Six years ago~

Corrine sat nervously in the living on afternoon. One year had passed and now, she was finally going to see Luke. Corrine stood up, pacing back and forth in her living room. Suddenly the phone rang. Corrine sighed, heading into her room, to find it. She answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey Cory, it's just me." Mali said into the phone. Corrine breathed out.

"What's up."

"I was wondering if you remember where I put my car keys." Mali said.

"They're in your purse Mali." Corrine said into the phone.

"Thank you!" Mali hung up the phone. Corrine tossed her phone onto her bed. Two arms snaked around her waist, making her jump and spin around. Instantly, she was met with a pair of blue eyes.

"Hey baby girl."

"LUKE!" Corrine wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck, hugging him tightly. Luke chuckled, burying his face in her neck.

"Miss me?" he teased. Corrine laughed. She pulled out, and rested her hands on either side of his neck.

"Look at you." She whispered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Luke asked.

"You got hot." she laughed. Luke raised a brow.

"I wasn't good enough for you a year ago?" he questioned.

"You were cute a year ago." Corrine joked. Luke frowned.

"I'm not cute." he pouted. Corrine shook her head, leaning in. She captured Luke's lips in a kiss, happy that he was home. Luke didn't hesitate, to pull her closer to him, kissing her back. Corrine's fingers tangled themselves in Luke's hair, pulling lightly. Luke moaned into the kiss. He pulled out, resting his forehead against hers. "I missed you." he breathed. "So fucking much." he leaned in and kissed her neck. Corrine bit her lip.

"I missed you too." she said, holding onto him. Luke hummed. "How much did you miss me?" Corrine asked him. Luke picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. Luke's arms wrapped around her, holding her up.

"A lot." he smirked.

"Why don't you show me." Corrine whispered in his ear.

"What am I going to do with you?" Luke laughed.


Corrine sat upright in her bed, sweat beaded to her forehead. She sighed, resting her head in her hands. She bit the inside of her cheeks, letting the tears fall. She remembered the first day Luke came home from tour. It was the happiest day of her life. And then it all came crashing down on them. Luke left, and then he stopped writing. And now, out of the blue he decides to contact her. Corrine wiped her tears, and looked over at the clock. It was 7:30. she sighed, and reached for her phone. She promised Lilah she'd cal at 7:00. she dialed Owen's phone number. He picked up.

"Hey." he said.

"Hey, is Lilah up?" She asked, tiredly into the receiver.

"Yeah, she waited up for you." he handed the phone over to Lilah. "Here you go honey."

"Hi mum." she heard Lilah say.

"Hey baby girl. I'm sorry I phoned so late. I fell asleep." Corrine said. She lied back into the bed.

"It's okay." Lilah said. "Guess what."


"I had spaghetti for dinner!" Lilah exclaimed. Corrine laughed. Delilah really loved spaghetti.


"Yeah! And garlic bread, but between me and you, I like your garlic bread better mummy." she younger girl giggled quietly.

"I promise not to tell anyone." Corrine laughed.

"I miss you mummy." Lilah said softly.

"I know. I miss you too. Do you want to come home tomorrow, or stay the weekend?" Corrine asked.

"I want to come home." Lilah said.


"Can we watch movies tomorrow?" Lilah asked.

"Yes. But mummy won't be home until 3:00. I have some things to do. I'll have Owen drop you off, okay?"

"Okay mummy."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow baby girl." Corrine said.

"Bye mummy. I love you."

"I love you too."

Corrine hung up the phone, and rolled over onto her side, closing her eyes, and falling back asleep.

Calum, Ashton, Luke, and Michael headed up to the hotel rooms tiredly. Since Luke's spat with the interviewer, Management decided to give the boys a much needed break. But of all the places he decided to send them, Matt sent them to New York. Calum and Ashton were quite pleased with that because they would get to see the girls, and Michael was excited about that too, but Luke was nervous. He hadn't been in New York for six years. Not since he and Corrine broke up. The boys did their best to cheer him up, but nothing seemed to work.

Luke crawled into the bed in his hotel room. He was sharing with Calum. He stared blankly at the ceiling. "You okay?" he heard Cal ask him.

"No." Luke replied. "I'm not okay, Calum. God, this place brings back so many memories. It hurts." Luke said.

"Luke, it's going to be okay." Calum said, trying to comfort him.

"Is it?"  he asked him, turning on his side to face him.

"I don't know. But we can always hope can't we?" Calum replied.

"I guess. It's just so weird being back, knowing that I won't be staying with her." Luke frowned.

"Get some sleep Luke. You need it. We'll figure it out in the morning." Calum said.

"Tomorrow." Luke mumbled, closing his eyes. "What fun." he rolled onto his back, and let sleep take over.

Rough Drafts | Luke Hemmings {Sequel to Papercuts} ✔Where stories live. Discover now