twenty- one

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Corrine hid silently under the covers as Lauren's voice sounded through the apartment early Saturday morning. Today was February 18th, the day before the release party for Corrine's book. While she was looking forward to, she was not looking forward dress shopping with Lauren, knowing all to well that it was going to be hectic.

The door to her bedroom opened, and she heard Lauren sigh. "You realize the quicker we do this, the quicker you can return to your bed and sleep, right?" Lauren said.

"Go away." Corrine grumbled, tiredly.

"Oh, no. We've been through this before, you knew it was coming."

"I know. Why do you think I'm still in bed?" she replied. Lauren placed a hand on her hip.

"You have to the count of three, and then I'm coming over there." Lauren threatened. Corrine raised her head slightly.

"Really?" she asked with a raised brow. "You're going to do the count down thing with me?"


"Yeah, good luck with that."

"Two, don't make me say three Cory." Corrine rolled over onto her stomach.

"Fine. I'm up. And don't you dare dump water on me, because it will be the last time I let you do this, and I will show up in pajamas." Lauren gasped.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Watch me." the adult grumbled.

Delilah sat down next to her mother in the store. "I think you broke her." she said. Corrine was slumped over the chair in the dressing area.

"She's just being dramatic." Lauren said, waving her off. "We're almost done." Corrine sat up.

"You said that an hour ago!"

"Oh quit whining." Corrine looked to Mali and Hannah for help. They shook their heads at her.

"Just go along with it, it'll be over soon." Mali said.

"Oh, stop it you guys. This is a big deal! It's her release party."

"I'm going to release my anger on you if you keep this up. Just pick a damn dress and be done with it." Corrine snapped. Lilah's eyes widened.

"Calum down mom." Lilah said, sliding a little away from her. Corrine sighed.

"My brain hurts from all of this. What's wrong with the dresses I have at home?"

"Nothing, but this is a big deal, so get over it."

"Lauren," Corrine said sternly. Lauren looked at her.


"You have one hour. If you cannot agree on a dress, I am going home, and I am picking my own damn dress from my closet, and that's it. You will have no say in it at all." Lauren pursed her lips an nodded.

"One hour. I got this."

"Okay, this is the one." Lauren said, reappearing half an hour later. She handed the dress and a pair of shoes to Corrine. "Try it on." Corrine sighed, and got up, going into one of the vacant changing rooms.

She reappeared a few minutes later, causing all four girls jaws to drop. The dress Lauren had stuck her in was a long purple evening gown. The straps came to create a low V. The top was somewhat tight fitting, but at the waist, the dress became loose. Lauren had paired it with a pair of black heels.

Corrine spun around in a circle, trying to adjust to the heels

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Corrine spun around in a circle, trying to adjust to the heels. "Yep. Definitely the dress." Mali said.

"You look really nice." Hannah said with a smile. Delilah took her mother's phone, and took a picture.

"I'm showing dad." she giggled. Corrine smiled.

"So does this mean we can go home?" Corrine asked.

"Yeah, you can go home now."

"Thank god."

Corrine made her way up the steps of the stage and stood behind the podium. The crowd in front of her stayed silent, waiting for her to speak. "First off, I want to thank everyone for coming, and for my Publisher Margret and my planner Emily for making all this happen. I want to thank my family, friends, my daughter Delilah for keeping me on my toes, I'd be lost without her. I want to thank my boyfriend Luke, who unfortunately couldn't be here tonight." Corrine took a deep breath. "Six years ago, I'd never thought I'd be here. Writing was always the dream for me, but to actually get to do the thing I love most, I thought that it would never happen. All the support from you guys means a lot and I don't think I would be here if it wasn't for you guys. So thanks you. Enjoy your evening ladies and gentlemen." the crowd applauded as she stepped off the stage

Corrine made her way over to Hannah who was with Delilah. The two were looking over the menu. "Hey." she said, sitting down.

"Hey, I'm so proud of you." Hannah said, giving her a hug.

"Aw, thanks." Corrine said. "Where's Mali and Lauren?" she asked.

"They had to do something, but they'll be back." she said. Hannah looked behind Corrine and smiled. Before Corrine could ask what she was looking at, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey Cory." Corrine jumped turning around.

"Michael?" she stood up, giving the boy a hug. He laughed. "What are you doing here? You guys are supposed to be on tour."

"We got off early." Corrine spun around to be met with Calum and Ashton. She smiled, giving them both a hug.

"Hey, where's my hug?"

"DAD!" Corrine turned around once more to be met with a pair of familiar blue eyes. She wrapped her arms around Luke's neck, his arms going around her waist.

"Hi." he breathed. Corrine laughed.

"Fancy meeting you here." she said.

"You look good."

"I feel ridiculous." she whispered. "Don't tell Lauren."

"I heard you." Lauren said. Corrine broke away from Luke, and smiled.

"Good, maybe next time I won't have to endure nine hours of complete torture, and I'll go in my pajamas."

"I would do that." Lilah grinned at Michael.

"I would to. Hey, we should get onsies and wear them to the next big event." Lilah said. Michael gave her the biggest hug ever.

"I love this kid.

Rough Drafts | Luke Hemmings {Sequel to Papercuts} ✔Where stories live. Discover now