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Luke smiles into the mic as he screams, "THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! WE LOVE YOU ALL, HAVE A GREAT NIGHT!" The fans cheer loudly back at them. Luke glances over at his band mate Michael, who's making funny faces at everyone. He laughs. The boys hurry offstage once the concerts over. Ashton cheers loudly. "That was awesome!" he exclaims. Calum nods his head in agreement.

"Definitely." he said. Michael laughs, then exclaims that he needs pizza.

"Don't you ever get tired of pizza?" Luke laughed, placing his guitar in the case. Michael looks offended.

"Never!" he says, placing a hand over his heart. "Why would you think that! Tsk tsk." he grins. Luke shakes his head, hiding his smile.

"Well, I'm calling it a night." Ashton exclaims. "I'm tired."

"Sleep sounds good." Michael said, nodding his head. "Ash, wait for me!" he called. He grabbed his sweater and ran after the tall boy. Calum shook his head.

"He's such a little kid." he said.

"Yeah, but it's Michael. Anything else would be weird."

"True." Calum laughs. "How are you?" he asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked him, confused by his question.

"You know what I mean Luke." Calum said. Luke sighs.

"I'm good." he said.

"I'm going to pretend that I believe that." Calum said. He starts walking out of the dressing room, and Luke follows him, sulky. He knew what Calum was talking about, and he knew he wasn't good.

"I don't Cal, I really don't." he admitted.

"Maybe you should call her."

"Does she even want to hear from me?" Luke asked him. "I mean, I haven't written to her in three years!"

"You'll never know if you don't try."

Back at the hotel, Luke stared down at the blank piece of paper in front of him, and it stared back. Writing music? No problem, but a letter to Corrine? Now that was a struggle. It had been three years since he'd written to her. About a year after they split, Management set Luke up with Taylor Swift as a PDR stunt. At the same time, they made him stop writing to Corrine, afraid it would cause suspicion. Luke felt bad about it, but he did it anyway. He stopped. And now, Calum was telling him to go for it? He picked up the pencil, and started with two simple words.

Dear Corrine,

Luke frowned. Were theses the right words to say? Luke shook his head, tugging at his hair in frustration. Ashton popped his head in. "What's wrong?" he asked. He sat next to Luke on the bed. Luke looked over at one of his best friends.

"Calum told me to write to Corrine." he said.

"Oh." Ashton said, his eyes widening. "Are you going to do it?" he asked

"I- does she even want to hear from me Ashton? She probably hates me." Luke sighed.

"According to Lauren, she still thinks about you." Ashton said. Luke gazed at him.

"R-Really?" he asked. Ashton nodded.

"Yeah. Look, send her a letter. See what happens." Ashton said, standing up. Luke nodded.

After re-writing the letter about several different times, Luke finally was satisfied with what he wrote, and sealed it in an envelope. He wrote down Corrine's address, and stood up. He made his way down to the lobby, and over to where they collect the mail. Luke stood there, letter in hand, and hesitated. He so desperately wanted to send the letter, but he didn't. He couldn't. Upset, Luke made his way back to his hotel room, and slipped the letter under his pillow before falling asleep feeling rather guilty.

Luke felt someone shaking him the next morning. He swatted their hand away and groaned. "Get up you lazy ass." It was Ashton.

"GO away." he said, rolling over, and snuggling deeper into the covers.

"Luke we have an interview. Get up." Luke sighed.

"Alright, I'm up." Luke heaved himself out of bed, showered and dressed in a black tank top and black skinny's. He grabbed his phone and went to go find Ashton.

The four boys sat in the the interview room with an over happy girl named Emily. She was way to excited about all of this, and her high pitched voice made the boys cringe. She wouldn't stop flirting with Calum either. Michael and Luke gave each other a look. "So, the fans would love to know." Emily said with a smile. "Any ladies in you life?" the boys exchanged glances.

"Not really." Ashton began. "We haven't really had the time to meet anyone."

"Yeah. To be honest, the fans are the only ladies I need." Michael laughed.

"Oh come on, there has to be someone in your lives. How could there not." Emily smiled.

"We're busy a lot." Calum said. "There's no time to rest."

"What about you Luke?" she said, turning to him. "Anyone special in your life?" Corrine. He thought to himself. Luke smiled and shook his head.

"Nope. All I need is these guys." Luke said, pointing to his band mates. "Nobody gives better cuddles than Mike." he laughed.

"What about you and Taylor. You two seemed pretty cozy."

"Well, some things just aren't meant to be." Luke said. The words were bitter as the rolled off his tongue.

"Any past relationships?" Emily pressed them. The boys shook their heads. "Oh, now that I know is a lie. We all know about your ex Luke." she said. Luke's expression changed as Emily said the words. The smile faded into a serious expression.

"What about her?" Luke asked.

"Wasn't she a bookworm. Always reading? Your type usually avoid her kind." Luke bit the inside of his cheek. He knew he shouldn't say anything, but something inside him switched.

"And what kind is that, Emily?" Luke asked with a raised brow. "The kind of people who are really nice, and caring. The kind of people who don't stick their nose where it doesn't belong?" he said. Emily pursed her lips and faked a smile.

"That's all the time we have for today guys. Stay tuned for next week when we talk to Ed Sheeran."

Luke stumbled out of the room once the interview was over. Their manger, Matt Emsell stormed over to him. "What the hell was that Luke?!" he hissed. "Why did you say that?"

"You know damn why." Luke snapped. He groaned. "I'll be back." he said, stalking off.

"Where are you going?" Matt asked.

"There's something I need to do."

Luke hurried back to the hotel, going straight for his room. He grabbed the letter he wrote the previous night before from under his pillow, and running down to the lobby. Quickly, so that he didn't rethink it, he slipped the letter into the mailbox. He leaned against the mailbox, and whispered four words. "I'm so sorry Corrine."

Rough Drafts | Luke Hemmings {Sequel to Papercuts} ✔Where stories live. Discover now