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word count; 1010



Corrine returned that morning to fine Luke and Delilah on the couch, quoting Mean Girls. She shook her head. Delilah looked up, and smiled at her mother. She hoped off the couch, running towards her. "Mummy!" she yelled. Corrine picked her up, kissing her cheek.

"Hey, baby." she replied.

"Luke and I are watching Mean Girls." she giggled. Corrine looked at Luke, shaking her head at him.

"Hey, it's a good movie." Luke said, crossing his arms, defending himself.

"I'm not even going to go there." Corrine said. She set Lilah back down, and she hurried back to couch. Luke stood up, and made his way over to Corrine. The two sat down at the kitchen counter.

"I can't believe it." Luke said softly, glancing up at her. Confusion washed over her face.

"Can't believe what?" Corrine asked him.

"That she's also mine." Luke said, looking back at Delilah. Corrine let out a small laugh, standing up. She walked over to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water. "What does the tattoo mean, Corrine." Luke asked. Corrine peered down at her wrist.

"It's Lilah's birthday." she said. She sat back down, across from him. "She likes you, ya know." Corrine said, taking a sip.

"I like her too." Luke smiled.

"No, I mean, she really likes you." Corrine said. "When we broke up, I went through a rough patch almost. I dated two guys." Luke bit his cheek. "Lilah was four. She hated both of them. No matter how nice they were. There was something about them that set her off. It's her approval I need the most, Luke. She's my baby. But she likes you. I'm not sure if that's because your her father, or because you love Mean Girls just as much as her." she smiled at the last part. "Don't abandon her Luke." Corrine whispered. "She needs you. Don't just up and leave out of her life if things get to tough. With me, I don't care. I'm a big girl, and can handle myself. But Delilah, she's only six." Luke reached out, and took Corrine's hand in his.

"I made Delilah a promise this morning when you were out." Luke said.

"And what was that?"

"She made me promise not to hurt you again." Corrine looked up. "And I plan on keeping that promise."

Much to Delilah's disappointment, Luke left after lunch. For a split second, she was afraid he was leaving them again, and began to cry. Luke, feeling rather guilty, picked her up, resting her on his hip. Delilah wrapped her small arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly. "I'm not leaving." Luke said. Delilah shook her head.

"Yes you are!" she cried. Corrine couldn't help but laugh.

"Baby, he's not leaving us." she said, rubbing her back. "He'll be back." Delilah looked up at him with big eyes.

"Promise." she said.


"Where are you going?" Lilah asked him.

"I've got to go find my friends." he said. "They're probably worried about me."

"Knowing Michael, he's thinking of something entirely different." Corrine joked, under her breath. Lilah paid no mind to it, but Luke heard her.

"Who's Michael?"

"Remember the boy with coloured hair?"


"That's my friend Michael." Luke said. "I've got to go find them, but I'll be back. I promised didn't I?" Luke smiled. Delilah finally let go.

"Okay. But when are you coming back?" she asked. Luke looked to Corrine.

"What's the best time for you?" he asked.

"You can come by tomorrow if you want. When Lilah gets out of school."

"Do you want me to pick her up?" he asked. Corrine gave him a look. "Yeah, okay. I'll come by after." he said.

"Lauren will drop her off around 3:40, so if you can be here when they arrive that will be good." Corrine said.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah." Luke said to Lilah.

"Okay. Bye Lukey." she giggled.

"Bye sweetheart." he said. "Bye Cory." Luke said, walking out of the apartment. Corrine smiled at her daughter.

"I like him mummy." she smiled.

"I like him too baby girl."

Luke walked into his hotel room, and was greeted by an angry Matt, and the boys. "WHERE IN GOD'S NAME HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Matt asked him as soon as he stepped inside. Luke gave Michael a funny look, who only mouthed back, 'lie to him'. Luke turned to Matt.

"I was just wandering around town. Sight seeing, clearing my mind. Looking for inspiration for music." he said. Matt sighed.

"Next time, let one of us know." he said. He walked out of the room. Luke turned to Michael once he was gone.

"Why didn't you tell him where I was?" he asked.

"Because. It's Matt. I didn't tell him, because what if he told you to stay away from her? What if Matt called the cops on her or something." Michael said. "Not to mention the fact she's got a six year old." Luke sighed.

Yeah, that probably would not have ended well. Thank you."

"So then it's true." Calum smirked, sitting on one of the beds.


"You really did spend the night with Corrine."

"It wasn't like that Calum. Besides, it's all Delilah's fault."

"The kid?" Ashton said.

"Yep. She asked Corrine if I could stay for dinner. Corrine asked me to stay the night." Luke said, sitting down.

"She asked you to spend the night?" Ashton asked. Luke nodded.


"That, I'm not sure. However, I am sure about one thing."

"And what's that?" Michael asked.

"Delilah is one sassy six year old." he said.

"How so?"

"She can quote Mean Girls better than I can."  the boys laughed. "What, it's true. We were watching it just this morning." Luke said.

"She's going to turn out just like you." Michael laughed. Luke shook his head.

"If anything, I hope she turns out like her mother. Strong, intelligent, beautiful, and confident." Luke said.

"Maybe she'll be a mixture of both." Ashton said. Luke smiled.

"I hope so."

Rough Drafts | Luke Hemmings {Sequel to Papercuts} ✔Where stories live. Discover now