Chapter 4: Getting to Know Him

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'Subject: Eric Sanders

Gender: Male

Age: 17 y/o




Blonde hair, hazelnut eyes and fair skin.

Height is 6"10


Extremely annoying and too cheerful.'

This is my research on Eric Sanders so far. Apparently its of no use.

I couldn't secure any important data. No family records to be seen. No past school records!

Its preposterous!

So it leaves me no choice but to ...

"I want to settle things straight," I said as I looked at him in the eyes.

If I had to put up to something like this I might as well clear things out.

But it leads me to one source which I didn't really expect to use.

The man himself that I've been trying to figure out.

This is a shame in my part.

"Oh sure, since its you," he replied happily.

I badly want to smack him on the face. Ugh.

"IF this whole string legend things is true," I paused, "and you are my string," I gulped in disgust, "First of all how do you know that?"

"I told you I can see strings."


"Its my gift."

I raised an eyebrow, motioning him to elaborate what he had just said, noticing me, he explained.

"Everyone has a special gift. Such as seeing spirits, reading various texts you've never encountered and et cetera. In my case I can see strings," then he looked up to me and smiled.

"And you Kate, your gift is very special, you can bind people."

"How do you know that?"

"Its pretty obvious," he smiled.

Does he ever get tired of doing that? I mean is there a time that when his muscle cheeks hurt?

"So," I cleared my throat, "I can what?"

"You have the talent and power to influence people. Haven't you wondered why your 'plays' go too well?"

I scoffed, "That's because I planned it perfectly."

"Exactly. Almost everything goes to your bidding," he looked at me and added, "But most of the time you end up tangling the ties between people."

"So to sum it up, I'm using my talent in a bad way?"

I can't believe that I'm actually even talking about this.

He smiled, "Not every time though."

I sighed, "I guess I'll go with what I have rather than nothing right now," then I remembered, "But what's with the 'you'll-free-me' thing?" I did vaguely remember that he said something about setting me free.

Eric blinked and chuckled, "Its already my decision or should I say my self-mission. After seeing you, I decided I wanted to change you, I have to," he looked at me seriously.

I eyed him, "Do as you please, but I'm sure you can't do that."

He smiled, determined of the challenge he knew he would face, "Don't worry, I have time until all the four seasons would pass, I arrived at the first day of spring-"

I cut him off, "You'll end at the last day of winter. Basically you have a year to fulfill your 'mission'."

He nodded and giggled, "Kate you're so smart!"

I rolled my eyes. Its basic common sense.

I can't believe I'll be stuck with this guy for a year.

"And Kate," he smiled confidently, "I'll make you fall in love with me."

I smirked, "As if."

Fall in love?

No way and not to this man.

"I'll do my best!" he said enthusiastically.

Little did I know that Eric already prepared some surprises.

Gods, I better survive this.

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